DYMO routing for OPNET 11.0
/* Copyright (c) 1986 - 2002 */
/* by OPNET Technologies Inc. */
/* (A Delaware Corporation) */
/* 7255 Woodmont Av. Suite 250 */
/* Bethesda MD 20814 U.S.A. */
/* All Rights Reserved. */
/* Globals. */
/** Define a array of strings that contain **/
/** the names of the supported standard **/
/** routing protocols. **/
const char* IpC_Dyn_Rte_Prot_Names[IPC_DYN_RTE_NUM] =
{“Direct“ “OSPF“ “RIP“ “IGRP“ “BGP“ “EIGRP“ “IS-IS“
“Static“ “EXT_EIGRP“ “IBGP“ “Default“ “RIPng“ “TORA“
“AODV“ “OLSR“ “Mobile IP“ “LDP“ “Custom“ “DYMO“};
/* Maximum length of a dest_src_key string. */
/* Global variables for “IP Routing Table Export/Import“: */
/* Selection of the simulation attribute “IP Routing */
/* Table Export/Import“ */
int routing_table_import_export_flag = IP_RTE_TABLE_NON_DET;
/* Static variable used for custom routing protocol registration. */
static List* Custom_Rte_Protocol_Id_Table = OPC_NIL;
/* Static variabele used to keep number of keys for hash table */
static int IpC_Cmn_Rte_Table_Key_Length = 0;
static int IpC_Cmn_Rte_Table_Hash_Size = 0;
static Boolean IpC_Cmn_Rte_Table_Hash_Size_Estimated = OPC_FALSE;
int ip_num_gateway_demands = 0;
int ip_num_host_nodes = 0;
int ip_num_bgp_neighbors = 0;
/* Pool memory object handles. */
static Pmohandle ip_cmn_rte_table_entry_pmh;
static Pmohandle ip_cmn_rte_table_next_hop_entry_pmh;
static Pmohandle ip_cmn_rte_table_dest_src_table_entry_pmh;
/* Structures internal to the IP common route table. */
typedef struct IpT_Cmn_Rte_Dest_Src_Table_Entry
float creation_time;
IpT_Cmn_Rte_Table_Entry* route_entry_ptr;
IpT_Next_Hop_Entry* next_hop_ptr;
} IpT_Cmn_Rte_Dest_Src_Table_Entry;
static void
ip_cmn_rte_table_entry_print (IpT_Cmn_Rte_Table_Entry* route_entry);
static void
ip_cmn_rte_table_gateway_of_last_resort_print (IpT_Cmn_Rte_Table* route_table);
static void
ip_cmn_rte_table_backup_print (IpT_Cmn_Rte_Table_Entry* route_entry);
static Compcode
ip_cmn_rte_table_backup_entry_src_obj_ptr_update (IpT_Cmn_Rte_Table_Entry* route_entry
IpT_Rte_Proc_Id proto void* src_obj_ptr);
static void
ip_cmn_rte_table_last_update_time_set (IpT_Cmn_Rte_Table* route_table char* convergence_re
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2005-08-13 20:29 0.1\
目录 0 2005-07-28 22:47 0.1\DYMO\
目录 0 2005-07-28 22:47 0.1\DYMO\11.0\
目录 0 2005-07-28 23:07 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\
目录 0 2005-07-28 22:50 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\include\
文件 7553 2005-06-02 11:38 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\include\dymo.h
文件 2857 2005-06-04 20:06 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\include\dymo_pkt_support.h
文件 5391 2005-06-05 10:45 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\include\dymo_ptypes.h
文件 35357 2005-04-12 20:11 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\include\ip_cmn_rte_table.h
文件 2861 2005-04-03 18:46 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\include\ip_higher_la
文件 59247 2005-04-10 16:29 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\include\ip_rte_support.h
文件 29502 2005-04-03 18:19 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\include\ip_rte_v4.h
目录 0 2005-07-28 22:54 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\ip\
文件 306581 2005-04-12 21:44 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\ip\ip_cmn_rte_table.ex.c
文件 1077462 2005-05-09 19:54 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\ip\ip_dispatch.pr.m
文件 216348 2005-04-12 21:49 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\ip\ip_notif_log_support.ex.c
文件 427787 2005-04-12 22:32 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\ip\ip_rte_support.ex.c
目录 0 2005-08-13 20:23 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\manet\
文件 2230 2005-04-16 22:33 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\manet\dymo.pk.m
文件 14447 2005-04-03 19:08 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\manet\dymo_packet_queue.ex.c
文件 19164 2005-06-05 09:45 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\manet\dymo_pkt_support.ex.c
文件 12327 2005-05-07 21:35 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\manet\dymo_request_table.ex.c
文件 21887 2005-06-04 15:46 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\manet\dymo_route_table.ex.c
文件 124218 2005-07-23 16:13 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\manet\dymo_rte.pr.m
文件 13224 2005-07-23 16:14 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\manet\dymo_support.ex.c
文件 49211 2005-06-05 10:43 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\manet\manet_mgr.pr.m
文件 3840 2004-09-30 20:42 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\manet\manet_station.nd.d
文件 64072 2005-06-25 12:47 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\manet\manet_station_adv.nd.m
目录 0 2005-08-13 20:24 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\wireless_lan\
文件 5136 2004-05-11 22:06 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\wireless_lan\wlan_server.nd.d
文件 96048 2005-04-17 11:07 0.1\DYMO\11.0\std\wireless_lan\wlan_server_adv.nd.m
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