#define arraysizeof( x ) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
// 鼎奶
#define WIN_WARP_X 400
#define WIN_WARP_Y (128)
#define ROOM_SIZE_X 44
#define ROOM_SIZE_Y 12
int FloorIdTbl[] = {
char *CrFileName[] = {
typedef struct {
int first;
int last;
typedef struct {
int floor;
int x;
int y;
ENEMYLIST EnemyTbl[] = {
{ 655 690 }
{ 687 720 }
POSITION SishouTbl[] = {
{ 1008 20 20 }
{ 3008 20 20 }
POSITION UketsukeTbl[] = {
{ 1022 1 7 }
{ 3022 1 7 }
int main( int argc char **argv ){
int i j first last xcnt = 0 ycnt = 0;
int npccnt = 1; // NPCの眶
int win_warpX = WIN_WARP_X win_warpY = WIN_WARP_Y;
int warpX = WIN_WARP_X+6 warpY = WIN_WARP_Y;
int npcX = WIN_WARP_X npcY = WIN_WARP_Y-4;
int floor_id pos;
FILE *fp;
char szBuffer[256];
if( argc <= 1 ){
printf( “0 == サムギル 1 == カルタ〖ナ\n“ );
exit( 0 );
if( sscanf( argv[1] “%d“ &pos ) == 1 ){
if( pos == 0 ){
printf( “サムギル苹眷侯喇\n“ );
if( pos == 1 ){
printf( “ジャジャ苹眷侯喇\n“ );
printf( “(%s)おかし〖\n“ argv[1] );
exit( 0 );
// どっちのフロアか
floor_id = FloorIdTbl[pos];
for( xcnt = 0; xcnt < 10; xcnt ++ ){
win_warpY = WIN_WARP_Y-2;
npcY = WIN_WARP_Y-4;
warpY = WIN_WARP_Y-2;
for( ycnt = 0; ycnt < 10; ycnt ++ ){
sprintf( szBuffer “%s%03d.arg“ CrFileName[pos] npccnt );
fp = fopen( szBuffer “w“ );
if( fp == NULL )exit( 1 );
fprintf( fp “entype:2\n“ );
fprintf( fp “dieact:1\n“ );
// 100客誊はここ
if( npccnt == 100 ){
fprintf( fp “warpfl:%d\n“ SishouTbl[pos].floor );
fprintf( fp “warpx:%d\n“ SishouTbl[pos].x );
fprintf( fp “warpy:%d\n“ SishouTbl[pos].y );
if( ycnt == 9 ){ // 擂り手しのためこのワ〖プ
fprintf( fp “warpfl:%d\n“ floor_id );
fprintf( fp “warpx:%d\n“ win_warpX-(xcnt+1)*ROOM_SIZE_X );
fprintf( fp “warpy:%d\n“ WIN_WARP_Y );
}else{ // 奶撅はこのワ〖プ
fprintf( fp “warpfl:%d\n“ floor_id );
fprintf( fp “warpx:%d\n“ win_warpX-xcnt*ROOM_SIZE_X );
fprintf( fp “warpy:%d\n“ win_warpY-(ycnt+1)*ROOM_SIZE_Y );
fprintf( fp “gym:%d\n“ npccnt );
fprintf( fp “startmsg:讳は%d客誊だ\n“ npccnt );
fprintf( fp “enemyno:“ );
first = 564; last = 580;
for( j = first; j <= last; j ++ ){
fprintf( fp “%d“ j );
if( j < last )fprintf( fp ““ );
fprintf( fp “\n“ );
fprintf( fp “enemypetno:“ );
// サムギルの眷圭
first = EnemyTbl[pos].first; last = EnemyTbl[pos].last;
for( j = first; j <= last; j ++ ){
fprintf( fp “%d“ j );
if( j < last )fprintf( fp ““ );
fprintf( fp “\n“ );
fclose( fp );
npccnt ++;
sprintf( szBuffer “%s.create“ CrFileName[pos] );
fp = fopen( szBuffer “w“ );
fprintf( fp “NPCCREATE\n“ );
fprintf( fp “######### 苹眷100客寥み缄 ########\n“ );
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 60 2010-03-04 00:05 saserver\gmsv\announce.txt
文件 0 2008-05-28 02:43 saserver\gmsv\appendWBerr.log
文件 447 2005-11-15 13:01 saserver\gmsv\data\appear.txt
文件 7128 2005-11-15 13:00 saserver\gmsv\data\attmagic.bin
文件 49 2007-05-31 09:23 saserver\gmsv\data\autopk\autopkaward.txt
文件 295 2007-06-02 20:37 saserver\gmsv\data\autopk\autopkhistory.txt
文件 4282 2005-11-15 12:59 saserver\gmsv\data\bmitem.txt
文件 208 2005-11-15 13:01 saserver\gmsv\data\contract.txt
文件 18490 2005-11-15 13:00 saserver\gmsv\data\effect.txt
文件 72487 2008-04-03 15:41 saserver\gmsv\data\encount.txt
文件 153426 2005-11-15 12:59 saserver\gmsv\data\enemy.txt
文件 211965 2008-04-03 15:09 saserver\gmsv\data\enemy1.txt
文件 94249 2008-07-14 13:30 saserver\gmsv\data\enemyba
文件 145769 2007-08-17 15:17 saserver\gmsv\data\enemyba
文件 2368 2006-03-11 01:20 saserver\gmsv\data\exp.txt
文件 577 2005-08-12 22:44 saserver\gmsv\data\gambleitems.txt
文件 33 2007-08-16 12:04 saserver\gmsv\data\gmset.txt
文件 68180 2006-01-02 14:59 saserver\gmsv\data\group.txt
文件 68199 2007-08-17 15:03 saserver\gmsv\data\group1.txt
文件 557839 2005-11-15 13:00 saserver\gmsv\data\history.txt
文件 33 2005-11-15 12:59 saserver\gmsv\data\inv.txt
文件 804 2007-07-26 10:40 saserver\gmsv\data\itematom.txt
文件 5 2005-11-15 13:00 saserver\gmsv\data\itemquitparty.txt
文件 3645987 2007-08-17 15:16 saserver\gmsv\data\itemset6.txt
文件 8621 2007-05-30 14:56 saserver\gmsv\data\jobdaily.txt
文件 283 2007-05-30 14:59 saserver\gmsv\data\leaderride.txt
文件 14263 2006-01-02 10:46 saserver\gmsv\data\magic.txt
文件 137 2005-11-15 13:00 saserver\gmsv\data\malayfia.txt
文件 26598 2000-12-19 11:19 saserver\gmsv\data\map\aaa
文件 16844 2005-07-25 21:54 saserver\gmsv\data\map\alcohol\8230
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