function f=mpcsetup(ABCDpmQRx0u0)
% MPCSETUP Set-up State Space MPC controller
% SSMPC=MPCSETUP(ABCDPMQRX0U0) returns a function handle for a
% state space model predictive control for the state space model
% x(k+1) = Ax(k) + Bu(k)
% y(k) = Cx(k) + Du(k)
% with predictive horizon P and moving horizon M performance weights of
% output Q and of input R initial state X0 and initial control U0.
% SSMPC is the online controller which can be called as follows
% U = SSMPC(YREF) returns the control input U (nu by 1) according to
% current measured output Y (1 by ny) and future reference REF (nr by
% ny nr>=1).
% The MPC minimize the following performance criterion:
% J = min Y‘QY + U‘RU
% The online contr
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 29327 2008-04-21 23:32 ssmpc\html\2cstrPlant.png
文件 11147 2008-04-22 00:11 ssmpc\html\ssmpctutorial.html
文件 7084 2008-04-22 00:11 ssmpc\html\ssmpctutorial_01.png
文件 1327 2009-05-20 16:16 ssmpc\license.txt
文件 4696 2008-04-22 00:12 ssmpc\mpcsetup.m
文件 3819 2019-01-02 17:28 ssmpc\ssmpctutorial.m
目录 0 2009-05-20 16:16 ssmpc\html
目录 0 2018-12-26 21:10 ssmpc
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