% EXAMPLE - USING “WOW“ embedding distortion
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Copyright (c) 2012 DDE Lab Binghamton University NY.
% All Rights Reserved.
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Permission to use copy modify and distribute this software for
% educational research and non-profit purposes without fee and without a
% written agreement is hereby granted provided that this copyright notice
% appears in all copies. The program is supplied “as is“ without any
% accompanying services from DDE Lab. DDE Lab does not warrant the
% operation of the program will be uninterrupted or error-free. The
% end-user understands that the program was developed for research purposes
% and is advised not to rely exclusively on the program for any reason. In
% no event shall Binghamton University or DDE Lab be liable to any party
% for direct indirect special incidental or consequential damages
% including lost profits arising out of the use of this software. DDE Lab
% disclaims any warranties and has no obligations to provide maintenance
% support updates enhancements or modifications.
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Author: Vojtech Holub
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Contact: vojtech_holub@yahoo.com
% fridrich@binghamton.edu
% http://dde.binghamton.edu
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
clc; clear all;
% load cover image
cover = imread(fullfile(‘..‘ ‘images_cover‘ ‘1.pgm‘));
% set payload
payload = 0.4;
% set params
params.p = -1; % holder norm parameter
fprintf(‘embedding using matlab code‘);
MEXstart = tic;
%% Run embedding simulation
[stego distortion] = WOW(cover payload params);
MEXend = toc(MEXstart);
fprintf(‘ - DONE‘);
subplot(1 2 1); imshow(cover); title(‘cover‘);
subplot(1 2 2); imshow((double(stego) - double(cover) + 1)/2); title(‘embedding changes: +1 = white -1 = black‘);
fprintf(‘\n\nImage embedded in %.2f seconds change rate: %.4f distortion per pixel: %.6f\n‘ MEXend sum(cover(:)~=stego(:))/numel(cover) distortion/numel(cover));
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 262159 2012-08-21 10:08 WOW_matlab\images_cover\1.pgm
文件 2325 2013-02-28 10:02 WOW_matlab\matlab\example.m
文件 7269 2012-11-21 15:01 WOW_matlab\matlab\WOW.m
文件 2957 2013-02-28 10:02 WOW_matlab\matlab_MEX\example.m
文件 2607 2012-11-15 13:34 WOW_matlab\matlab_MEX\WOW.m
文件 94022 2013-02-14 20:38 WOW_matlab\matlab_MEX\WOW.mexa64
文件 77824 2012-11-26 20:16 WOW_matlab\matlab_MEX\WOW.mexw64
目录 0 2013-02-28 10:02 WOW_matlab\images_cover
目录 0 2013-02-28 10:02 WOW_matlab\matlab
目录 0 2013-02-28 10:01 WOW_matlab\matlab_MEX
目录 0 2014-06-20 16:16 WOW_matlab
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
449163 11
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