// File “display.c“
// performs all LCD display interface functions
extern char stepbcd[6]; // found in file “ped.c“
extern char distbcd[6]; // this too
void Display_Init(void);
void display_data(void);
void display_data_clear(void);
void char_load(int RS int data);
void delay(unsigned int cycles);
int reverse_data(int data);
void Display_Init()
// used once to initialize display and write
// the “Steps“ and “Distance“ headers
int rs data;
// Display initialization
rs = 0; // no RAM access yet
data = 0x30; // function set: 2-line mode display off
char_load(rs data);
data = 0x38; // function set: 2-line mode display off
char_load(rs data);
data = 0x08; // display off cursor o
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 8265 2007-01-04 14:18 ped.c
文件 4825 2007-01-04 14:11 display.c
文件 1773 2006-12-05 20:56 main.c
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