pen_framegrabber ('GigEVision', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'default', -1, 'default', -1, 'false', 'default', '00111cf13411_Microview_RSA5001GM14', 0, -1, AcqHandle)
* grab_image_start (AcqHandle, -1)
while (true)
* grab_image_async (Image, AcqHandle, -1)
grab_image (Image, AcqHandle)
* Image Acquisition 01: Do something
* Read the symbol in the image
* find_data_code_2d (Image, SymbolXLDs, DataCodeHandle, [], [], \
ResultHandles, DecodedDataStrings)
find_data_code_2d (Image, SymbolXLDs, DataCodeHandle, 'stop_after_result_num', 12, \
ResultHandles, DecodedDataStrings)
* Display the results
dev_display (Image)
* dev_get_window(WindowHandle)
* Get the num of detected QR codes
* grab_image_start (AcqHandle, -1)
while (true)
* grab_image_async (Image, AcqHandle, -1)
grab_image (Image, AcqHandle)
* Image Acquisition 01: Do something
* Read the symbol in the image
* find_data_code_2d (Image, SymbolXLDs, DataCodeHandle, [], [], \
ResultHandles, DecodedDataStrings)
find_data_code_2d (Image, SymbolXLDs, DataCodeHandle, 'stop_after_result_num', 12, \
ResultHandles, DecodedDataStrings)
* Display the results
dev_display (Image)
* dev_get_window(WindowHandle)
* Get the num of detected QR codes
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