Granger Causal Connectivity Analysis: A MATLAB Toolbox (Anil K. Seth) The toolbox includes core functions for Granger causality analysis of multivariate steady-state and event-related data, functions to preprocess data, assess statistical significance and validate results, and to compute and display
function ccaStartup
% ccaStartup.m
% add matlab paths for causal connectivity analysis toolbox
% run before anything else!
% AKS Apr 09 2009
addpath test/;
addpath utilities/;
addpath Bsmart_files/;
% check all files are included
if exist(‘armorf.m‘) ~=2 | exist(‘pwcausal.m‘) ~=2
error(‘Functions armorf.m and/or pwcausal.m missing. Download from www.brain-smart.org‘);
% check that mex file is compiled properly
dummy = 1;
x = marsaglia_normcdf(dummy);
error(‘Mex file marsaglia_normcdf is not properly compiled for this operating system. Please recompile by choosing a compiler (mex -setup) and then entering: mex utilities/marsaglia_normcdf.c‘);
if abs(x-0.8413)>1e-2
error(‘Mex file marsaglia_normcdf is not properly compi
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1181 2010-04-16 08:55 ccaStartup.m
文件 4905 2009-09-07 13:37 cca_autonomy_regress.m
文件 327 2009-12-18 19:31 cca_calcPanels.m
文件 2501 2009-09-07 13:37 cca_causaldensity.m
文件 3169 2010-12-08 18:34 cca_causaldensity_spectral.m
文件 2543 2009-09-07 13:37 cca_causalflow.m
文件 3506 2009-09-07 13:37 cca_causalflow_spectral.m
文件 2240 2009-12-18 21:43 cca_check_cov_stat.m
文件 2584 2009-12-18 21:48 cca_check_cov_stat_mtrial.m
文件 8910 2010-03-28 17:41 cca_demo.m
文件 1419 2009-09-07 13:38 cca_detrend.m
文件 1747 2010-05-24 22:10 cca_detrend_mtrial.m
文件 1411 2009-09-07 13:38 cca_diff.m
文件 1744 2009-12-15 17:52 cca_diff_mtrial.m
文件 2600 2010-08-19 19:00 cca_find_model_order.m
文件 2633 2009-09-07 13:38 cca_find_model_order_mtrial.m
文件 2623 2010-03-08 16:54 cca_find_model_order_optimized.m
文件 3115 2010-05-24 22:28 cca_findsignificance.m
文件 2449 2009-09-07 13:38 cca_findsignificance_autonomy.m
文件 6796 2010-04-19 18:21 cca_granger_regress.m
文件 5808 2009-09-07 13:38 cca_granger_regress_mtrial.m
文件 4814 2010-03-08 18:31 cca_granger_regress_optimized.m
文件 6921 2010-11-03 22:35 cca_granger_regress_zerolag.m
文件 3473 2010-04-26 15:44 cca_kpss.m
文件 3200 2009-12-25 16:45 cca_kpss_mtrial.m
文件 2821 2009-09-07 13:39 cca_multitaper.m
文件 2389 2009-09-07 13:37 cca_pajek.m
文件 4181 2009-09-07 13:37 cca_partialgc.m
文件 7088 2009-09-07 13:37 cca_partialgc_doi_bstrap.m
文件 6388 2009-09-07 13:37 cca_partialgc_doi_permute.m
文件 4803 2009-09-07 13:37 cca_partialgc_mtrial.m
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