function [I_SSDI_NCCIdata]=template_matching(TIIdataIn)
% TEMPLATE_MATCHING is a cpu efficient function which calculates matching
% score images between template and an (color) 2D or 3D image.
% It calculates:
% - The sum of squared difference (SSD Block Matching) robust template
% matching.
% - The normalized cross correlation (NCC) independent of illumination
% only dependent on texture
% The user can combine the two images to get template matching which
% works robust with his application.
% Both measures are implemented using FFT based correlation.
% [I_SSDI_NCCIdata]=template_matching(TIIdata)
% inputs
% T : Image Template can be grayscale or color 2D or 3D.
% I : Color image can be grayscale or color 2D or 3D.
% (optional)
% Idata : Storage of temporary variables from the image I to allow
% faster search for multiple templates in the same image.
% outputs
% I_SSD: The sum of squared difference 2D/3D image. T
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 10757 2011-02-22 16:07 lena.jpg
文件 5910 2011-02-22 16:48 template_matching.m
文件 1314 2014-02-12 13:26 license.txt
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