function [TrainingTimeTestingTimeTrainingAccuracy TestingAccuracy]=ELM_BA(TrainingData_File TestingData_File Elm_TypeNumberofHiddenNeurons ActivationFunction);
% ============================================================ %
% Files of the Matlab programs included in the book: %
% Xin-She Yang Nature-Inspired metaheuristic Algorithms %
% Second Edition Luniver Press (2010). www.luniver.com %
% ============================================================ %
% ------------------------------------------------------------ %
% Bat-inspired algorithm for continuous optimization (demo) %
% Programmed by Xin-She Yang @Cambridge University 2010 %
% For details please see the following papers:
% 1) Xin-She Yang Bat algorithm for multi-objective optimization
% Int. J. Bio-Inspired Computation Vol.3 No.5 267-274 (2011).
% 2) Xin-She Yang Xingshi He Bat Algorithm: Literature Review
% and Applications Int. J. Bio-
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2014-07-12 21:02 BA_ELM蝙蝠算法\
文件 8460 2014-07-03 16:16 BA_ELM蝙蝠算法\ELM_BA.m
文件 1777 2014-07-08 18:53 BA_ELM蝙蝠算法\ELM_X.m
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