%% Nonlinear State Estimation of a Degrading Battery System
% This example shows how to estimate the states of a nonlinear system using
% an Unscented Kalman Filter in Simulink(TM). The example also illustrates
% how to develop an event-based Kalman Filter to update system parameters
% for more accurate state estimation. This example also requires
% Simscape(TM) and Stateflow(R).
% Copyright 2016-2017 The MathWorks Inc.
%% Overview
% Consider a battery model with the following equivalent circuit [1]
% <<../batteryEquivalentCircuit.jpg>>
% The model consists of a voltage source $E_m$ a series resistor $R_0$ and
% a single RC block with components $R_1$ and $C_1$. The battery alternates
% between charging and discharging cycles. In this example you estimate
% the state of charge (SOC) of the battery model using measured currents
% voltages and temperature of the battery. You assume the battery is a
% nonlinear system and estimate the SOC using an Unscented Kalman Filter.
% The capacity of the battery degrades with every discharge-charge cycle
% giving an inaccurate SOC estimation. You use an event-based linear Kalman
% filter to estimate the battery capacity when the battery transitions
% between charging and discharging. You then use the estimated capacity to
% indicate the health condition of the battery.
% The Simulink model contains three major components: a battery model
% an Unscented Kalman Filter block and an event-based Kalman Filter block.
%% Battery Model
% The battery model with thermal effect is implemented using Simscape software.
% <<../batteryMdl.jpg>>
% The state transition equations for the battery model are given by:
% $$ \frac{d}{dt} \left(
% \begin{array}{cc}
% SOC \\
% U_{1}
% \end{array} \right) = \left(
% \begin{array}{cc}
% 0 \\
% -\frac{1}{R_1(SOCT_b)*C_1(SOCT_b)}U_1
% \end{array} \right) + \left(
% \begin{array}{cc}
% -\frac{1}{3600*C_q} \\
% \frac{1}{C_1(SOCT_b)}\end{array} \right)I
% + W
% $$
% where $R_1(SOCT_b)$ and $C_1(SOCT_b)$ are the thermal and SOC-dependent
% resistor and capacitor in the RC block $$ U_1 $$ is the voltage across
% capacitor $C_1$ $I$ is the input current $T_b$ is the battery
% temperature $C_q$ is the battery capacity (unit: Ah) and $W$ is
% the process noise.
% The input currents are randomly generated pulses when the battery is discharging and
% constant when the battery is charging.
% <<../batteryDischargeChargeCurve.jpg>>
% The measurement equation is given by:
% $$ \begin{array} {ll}
% E = E_m(SOCT_b) - U_1 - IR_0(SOCT_b) + V
% \end{array} $$
% where $E$ is the measured output voltage $R_0(SOCT_b)$ is the serial
% resistor $E_m = E_m(SOCT_b)$ is the electromotive force from voltage
% source and $V$ is the measurement noise.
% In the model $R_0 R_1 C_1$ and $E_m$ are 2D look-up tables that are
% dependent on SOC and battery temperature. The parameters in the look-up
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 20961 2020-07-29 09:37 NonlinearStateEstimationOfADegradingBatterySystemExample\batteryDischargeChargeCurve.jpg
文件 11498 2020-07-29 09:37 NonlinearStateEstimationOfADegradingBatterySystemExample\batteryEquivalentCircuit.jpg
文件 55270 2020-07-29 09:37 NonlinearStateEstimationOfADegradingBatterySystemExample\BatteryExampleUKF.slx
文件 63469 2020-07-29 09:37 NonlinearStateEstimationOfADegradingBatterySystemExample\batteryMdl.jpg
文件 1977 2020-07-29 09:37 NonlinearStateEstimationOfADegradingBatterySystemExample\BatteryParameters.mat
文件 86184 2020-07-29 09:37 NonlinearStateEstimationOfADegradingBatterySystemExample\blockParametersUKF.jpg
文件 107450 2020-07-29 09:37 NonlinearStateEstimationOfADegradingBatterySystemExample\blockSettingKF.jpg
文件 1981 2020-07-29 09:37 NonlinearStateEstimationOfADegradingBatterySystemExample\C_table.ssc
文件 2466 2020-07-29 09:37 NonlinearStateEstimationOfADegradingBatterySystemExample\Em_table.ssc
文件 48444 2020-07-29 09:37 NonlinearStateEstimationOfADegradingBatterySystemExample\measurementEqn.jpg
文件 15606 2020-07-29 09:37 NonlinearStateEstimationOfADegradingBatterySystemExample\NonlinearStateEstimationOfADegradingBatterySystemExample.m
文件 1772 2020-07-29 09:37 NonlinearStateEstimationOfADegradingBatterySystemExample\R_table.ssc
文件 46203 2020-07-29 09:37 NonlinearStateEstimationOfADegradingBatterySystemExample\stateEqn.jpg
文件 140 2020-07-29 09:37 NonlinearStateEstimationOfADegradingBatterySystemExample\说明.txt
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