
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def TXTtoNumpy(TXTfilename lableState=False Print=False delim = ‘\t‘):
:param TXTfilename: Path about TXT file
:param lableState: True for have labels of data
:param print: to print info about data
:param delim: to split ‘\t‘
TXTfr = open(TXTfilename)
TXTList = TXTfr.readlines()
stringArr = [line.strip().split(delim) for line in TXTList]
n_examples = len(stringArr)
if lableState:
n_features = len(stringArr[0])-1
labels = np.zeros(n_examples)
labels = [int(line[n_features]) for line in stringArr]
n_features = len(stringArr[0])
if Print:
print(“n_examples: “ n_examples)
print(“n_features: “ n_features)
floatList = np.zeros((n_examples n_features))
for i in range(0 n_features):
floatList[:i] = [float(line[i]) for line in stringArr]
if lableState:
return floatList labels
return floatList
def pca(npArr k show = False):
:param npArr: shape=(n_examples n_features)
:param k: to keep k components
:param show: True to show figure about origData and reconData
:return: LowNpArr loss
# Preprocessing
n_examples = npArr.shape[0]
n_features = npArr.shape[1]
mean = np.zeros(n_features)
std = np.zeros(n_features)
StdMeanNpArr = np.zeros((n_examples n_features))
mean = np.average(npArr axis=0).reshape(1n_features)
std = np.std(npArr axis=0).reshape(1n_features)
StdMeanNpArr = (npArr - mean) / std
# pca
sigma = np.cov(StdMeanNpArr rowvar=0)
eigValue eigVects = np.linalg.eig(sigma) # 获得协方差矩阵的特征值,特征向量
eigValInd = np.argsort(eigValue) # 返回特征值从小到大排序的索引
eigValInd = eigValInd[:-(k+1):-1] # 从后向前一共取k个值的索引
redEigVects = eigVects[:eigValInd] # 取出指定索引的特征向量
LowNpArr = np.dot(StdMeanNpArr redEigVects) # 原数据与选定的特征向量内积,得到降维数据
reconNpArr = np.dot(LowNpArr redEigVects.T) # 重构数据
redEigValue = eigValue[eigValInd]
loss = 1 - np.sum(redEigValue)/np.sum(eigValue) # 重构数据的损失程度
print(“PCA loss: “ loss)
if show:
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.scatter(StdMeanNpArr[: 0] StdMeanNpArr[: 1] marker = ‘^‘ c=‘red‘)
ax.scatter(reconNpArr[:0]reconNpArr[:1] marker=‘o‘ c=‘blue‘)
return LowNpArr loss
if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:
filename = ‘./testSet3.txt‘
npArr lables = TXTtoNumpy(filename lableState=True Print=True)
LowNpArr loss = pca(npArr k=1 show=True)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2019-04-25 09:08 PCA\
文件 22076 2011-06-08 23:58 PCA\testSet3.txt
文件 2812 2019-04-25 09:08 PCA\PCA.py
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