REQUIRES UNITY 4.6/5/2017/2018/2019 or higher (will automatically activate features based on your Unity version).
DOTween Pro extends the free engine DOTween, implementing new features both for scripting and visual scripting, including extra features for these external assets (if present):
- 2D Toolkit
- TextMesh Pro (both payed and free version)
A Component that allows to animate some of its gameObject's properties without scripting: Move, Fade, Color, Rotate, Scale, Pun
DOTween Pro extends the free engine DOTween, implementing new features both for scripting and visual scripting, including extra features for these external assets (if present):
- 2D Toolkit
- TextMesh Pro (both payed and free version)
A Component that allows to animate some of its gameObject's properties without scripting: Move, Fade, Color, Rotate, Scale, Pun
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 747085 2019-10-16 19:14 DOTween Pro v1.0.165.unitypackage
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文件 747085 2019-10-16 19:14 DOTween Pro v1.0.165.unitypackage
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