
function [s err_mse iter_time]=block_gp(xAgroupvarargin)
% block_gp: Block Gradient Pursuit algorithm (modification from [1])
% Usage
% [s err_mse iter_time]=block_gp(xPm‘option_name‘‘option_value‘)
% Input
% Mandatory:
% x Observation vector to be decomposed
% P Either:
% 1) An nxm matrix (n must be dimension of x)
% 2) A function handle (type “help function_format“
% for more information)
% Also requires specification of P_trans option.
% 3) An object handle (type “help object_format“ for
% more information)
% m length of s
% Possible additional options:
% (specify as many as you want using ‘option_name‘‘option_value‘ pairs)
% See below for explanation of options:
% option_name | available option_values | default
% stopCrit | M corr mse mse_change | M
% stopTol | number (see below) | n/4
% P_trans | function_handle (see below) |
% maxIter | positive integer (see below) | n
% verbose | true false | false
% start_val | vector of length m | zeros
% GradSteps | ‘auto‘ or integer | ‘auto‘
% Available stopping criteria :
% M - Extracts exactly M = stopTol elements.
% corr - Stops when maximum correlation between
% residual and atoms is below stopTol value.
% mse - Stops when mean squared error of residual
% is below stopTol value.
% mse_change - Stops when the change in the mean squared
% error falls below stopTol value.
% stopTol: Value for stopping criterion.
% P_trans: If P is a function handle then P_trans has to be specified and
% must be a function handle.
% maxIter: Maximum of allowed iterations.
% verbose: Logical value to allow algorithm progress to be displayed.
% start_val: Allows algorithms to start from partial solution.
% GradSteps: Number of gradient optimisation steps per iteration.
% ‘auto‘ uses inner products to decide if more gradient steps
% are required.
% Outputs
% s Soluti
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2009-06-07 17:44 GroupSparseBox\
文件 14588 2009-01-30 15:47 GroupSparseBox\block_gp.m
文件 17851 2009-01-30 15:47 GroupSparseBox\block_nomp.m
文件 15806 2009-01-30 15:48 GroupSparseBox\block_pcgp.m
文件 856 2009-01-30 16:07 GroupSparseBox\BMP.m
文件 919 2009-01-24 22:42 GroupSparseBox\BOMP.m
文件 1218 2009-01-30 16:14 GroupSparseBox\demo.m
文件 549 2009-01-24 22:18 GroupSparseBox\fdrthresh.m
文件 878 2009-01-24 22:18 GroupSparseBox\GenGroupSparseProblem.m
文件 872 2009-01-30 16:07 GroupSparseBox\GMP.m
文件 863 2009-01-24 22:17 GroupSparseBox\GOMP.m
文件 15088 2009-01-30 16:11 GroupSparseBox\group_gp.m
文件 18126 2009-01-30 15:46 GroupSparseBox\group_nomp.m
文件 16090 2009-01-30 15:46 GroupSparseBox\group_pcgp.m
文件 106 2009-01-24 22:18 GroupSparseBox\matrix_normalizer.m
文件 1683 2009-01-24 22:18 GroupSparseBox\ReGOMP.m
文件 1354 2009-01-24 22:17 GroupSparseBox\StGOMP.m
文件 1559 2009-06-07 17:44 license.txt
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