
// Car.cpp: implementation of the CCar class.
#include “stdafx.h“
#include “GpsTest.h“
#include “Car.h“
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// Construction/Destruction
m_bAlarm = FALSE;
m_bUnderWatch = FALSE;
m_bAlwaysAlarm = FALSE;
nLeftCount = 0;
nInterval = 0;
nLatitude = 0;
nLongitude = 0;
nSpeed = 0;
nCourse = 0;
dwStart = 0;
dwBJtime = 0;
m_strStatus = _T(“000000000000“);
m_strSn = _T(““);
m_strCmdWord = _T(““);
CCar::CCar(CString strPhoneNum)
m_strPhoneNum = strPhoneNum;
m_bAlarm = FALSE;
m_bUnderWatch = FALSE;
m_bAlwaysAlarm = FALSE;
nLeftCount = 0;
nInterval = 0;
nLatitude = 0;
nLongitude = 0;
nSpeed = 0;
nCourse = 0;
dwStart = 0;
dwBJtime = 0;
m_strStatus = _T(“000000000000“);
m_strSn = _T(““);
m_strCmdWord = _T(““);
int CCar::UpDateCar()
int ij;
// srand((unsigned) time (NULL));
nLatitude = rand()%(nMaxLatitude-nMinLatitude+1) + nMinLatitude;
nLongitude = rand()%(nMaxLongitude-nMinLongitude+1) + nMinLongitude;
nSpeed = rand()%(nMaxSpeed-nMinSpeed+1) + nMinSpeed;
nCourse = rand()%(nMaxCourse-nMinCourse+1) +nMinCourse;
i = rand()%200;
if (i == 10)
m_bAlarm = TRUE;
j = rand()%3;
if (j == 0)
m_strStatus = “000000000100“;
else if (j ==1)
m_strStatus = “000000000200“;
else if (j == 2)
m_strStatus = “000000000400“;
// CCar *car;
// CString strMsg;
// for(k=0; k<=m_carArray.GetUpperBound(); k++)
// {
// if (static_cast(m_carArray.GetAt(k))->m_bAlarm)
// {
// car = m_carArray.GetAt(k);
// DWORD dwtime;
// dwtime = GetTickCount();
// if (!car->m_bAlwaysAlarm)
// {
// car->dwBJtime = dwtime;
// car->m_bAlwaysAlarm = TRUE;
// strMsg = CreateMessage(car “00000000“ “BJ“ TRUE);
// int nRet = SendCarData(car->m_strPhoneNum strMsg);
// }
// }
// if (static_cast(m_carArray.GetAt(k))->m_bAlwaysAlarm)
// {
// car = m_carArray.GetAt(k);
// DWORD dwAtime;
// dwAtime = GetTickCount();
// if ((dwAtime - car->dwBJtime) > 30000)
// {
// car->dwBJtime = dwAtime;
// strMsg = CreateMessage(car “00000000“ “BJ“ TRUE);
// int nRet = SendCarData(car->m_strPhoneNum strMsg);
// }
// }
return 0;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2689 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\Car.cpp
文件 1124 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\Car.h
文件 4060 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\CarSet.cpp
文件 1581 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\CarSet.h
文件 4646 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\ComSet.cpp
文件 1433 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\ComSet.h
文件 13499 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\EnumSerial.cpp
文件 2466 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\EnumSerial.h
文件 198432 2009-01-02 10:40 GpsTest\GpsTest.aps
文件 4484 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\GpsTest.cpp
文件 108323 2007-12-09 20:10 GpsTest\GpsTest.dep
文件 6557 2008-09-14 03:19 GpsTest\GpsTest.dsp
文件 539 2008-01-17 12:08 GpsTest\GpsTest.dsw
文件 647223 2008-01-17 15:51 GpsTest\GpsTest.exe
文件 1396 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\GpsTest.h
文件 12261 2008-09-14 03:19 GpsTest\GpsTest.mak
文件 664576 2009-01-02 10:41 GpsTest\GpsTest.ncb
文件 48640 2009-01-02 10:41 GpsTest\GpsTest.opt
文件 1974 2008-09-14 01:12 GpsTest\GpsTest.plg
文件 19448 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\GpsTest.rc
文件 1762 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\GpsTestDoc.cpp
文件 1486 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\GpsTestDoc.h
文件 52528 2008-09-14 01:12 GpsTest\GpsTestView.cpp
文件 6360 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\GpsTestView.h
文件 2717 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\MainFrm.cpp
文件 1589 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\MainFrm.h
文件 153261 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\MAPX.CPP
文件 109587 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\MAPX.H
文件 9037 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\motog18.cpp
文件 3536 2006-06-15 09:52 GpsTest\motog18.h
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