
connect all the event to the interrupt1
#include “Detect.h“
#include “MMA845X.h“
#include “IIC.h“
#include “Timer.h“
#include “ioCC2530.h“
unsigned char IntSourceMotion;
unsigned char IntSourceFF;
unsigned char IntSourceTrans;
unsigned char State;
//unsigned char Data[6];
void TransientDetectInit(unsigned char SlaveAddress)
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x2A 0x18); //Set device in 100 Hz ODR Standby
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x1D 0x16); //Enable Latch Enable X and Enable Y
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x1F 0x20); //set the threshold 2g 判断是否发生了撞击
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x20 0x05); //ODR=100HZ 10ms per step size. set the debounce counter for 50 ms
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x2D 0x20); //enable transition detection interrupt in the system control register.
// RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x2E 0x20); //route the transient int to INT1 hardware pin
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x2E 0x00); //route the transient int to INT2 hardware pin
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x2A(RegRead(SlaveAddress0x2A)|0x01)); //put the device into active mode
void MotionDetectInit(unsigned char SlaveAddress)
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x2A 0x18); //Set the device in 100 Hz ODR Standby
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x15 0xD8); //set the configuration for motion detection by setting the “OR“ condition OAE=1enableing XY and the latch
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x17 0x30); //threshold setting value for the motion detection of>3g
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x18 0x0A); //now step time is 10ms.set the debounce counter to eliminate false reading for 100HZ sample rate with a requirement of 100ms timer
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x2D 0x04); //Enbale motion/freefall interrupt function in the system
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x2E 0x04); //route the MF interrupt function to int1 pin
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x2ARegRead(SlaveAddress0x2A)|0x01); //put the device in active mode
void FreefallDetectInit(unsigned char SlaveAddress)
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x2A 0x20); //Set the device in 50 Hz ODR Standby
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x15 0xB8); //configuration register set for freefall detection enabling “AND“ conditionOAE=0enabling xyz and the latch
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x17 0x0C); //threhold setting value for resulting acceleration<0.75g
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x18 0x02); //set the debounce to eliminate false positive reading for 50HZ sample rate with reqirement of 40ms timerassuming normal mode
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x2D 0x04); //enable MF interrupt function in the system
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x2E 0x04); //route the MF interrupt function int1 harware pin
void FallEventInit(unsigned char SlaveAddress)
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x2A 0x18); //设置采样率
RegWrite(SlaveAddress0x15 0xB8); //设置自由落体测量模式,并使能在X,Y,Z三个方向上面测量
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2014-03-15 21:29 BH1750程序forCC2530\
目录 0 2012-09-20 14:38 BH1750程序forCC2530\Debug\
目录 0 2014-03-15 21:29 BH1750程序forCC2530\Debug\Exe\
文件 26069 2012-09-10 16:37 BH1750程序forCC2530\Debug\Exe\IIC.hex
目录 0 2014-04-15 22:56 BH1750程序forCC2530\Debug\List\
目录 0 2014-03-15 21:29 BH1750程序forCC2530\Debug\Obj\
文件 38127 2012-09-10 16:37 BH1750程序forCC2530\Debug\Obj\Detect.r51
文件 707 2011-04-19 14:19 BH1750程序forCC2530\Debug\Obj\FMDetect.pbi
文件 539 2012-09-10 16:37 BH1750程序forCC2530\Debug\Obj\IIC.pbd
文件 31161 2012-09-10 16:37 BH1750程序forCC2530\Debug\Obj\IIC.r51
文件 4941 2012-09-10 16:37 BH1750程序forCC2530\Debug\Obj\MMA845X.r51
文件 1245 2011-04-09 20:23 BH1750程序forCC2530\Debug\Obj\Terminal.r51
文件 5005 2012-09-10 16:37 BH1750程序forCC2530\Debug\Obj\Timer.r51
文件 5403 2012-09-10 16:37 BH1750程序forCC2530\Debug\Obj\Uart.r51
文件 20169 2012-09-10 16:37 BH1750程序forCC2530\Debug\Obj\main.r51
文件 8990 2012-09-10 17:28 BH1750程序forCC2530\IIC.dep
文件 26857 2011-04-07 10:48 BH1750程序forCC2530\IIC.ewd
文件 53926 2011-05-01 11:58 BH1750程序forCC2530\IIC.ewp
文件 157 2011-04-07 10:48 BH1750程序forCC2530\IICforCC2530.eww
目录 0 2014-03-15 21:29 BH1750程序forCC2530\settings\
文件 2494 2012-09-10 17:28 BH1750程序forCC2530\settings\IIC.cspy.bat
文件 6243 2012-09-10 17:28 BH1750程序forCC2530\settings\IIC.dbgdt
文件 735 2012-09-10 17:28 BH1750程序forCC2530\settings\IIC.dni
文件 3986 2012-09-10 17:28 BH1750程序forCC2530\settings\IICforCC2530.wsdt
目录 0 2014-03-15 21:29 BH1750程序forCC2530\source\
文件 11497 2011-05-01 12:06 BH1750程序forCC2530\source\Detect.c
文件 1249 2011-04-30 21:15 BH1750程序forCC2530\source\Detect.h
文件 5820 2011-05-01 17:56 BH1750程序forCC2530\source\IIC.c
文件 1255 2011-05-01 17:56 BH1750程序forCC2530\source\IIC.h
文件 892 2011-04-12 10:42 BH1750程序forCC2530\source\MMA845X.c
文件 19534 2012-08-13 21:59 BH1750程序forCC2530\source\MMA845X.h
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