新的角度:(1)全局方法的局部化和(2)大尺度和小尺度特征带的融合。在公开的人脸数据库(Yalebext,CMU-PIE,CAS-PEAL和FRGC v2.0)上的实验表明,对全局的光照处理方法(HE,GIC,LTV和TT)进行局部化进一步提高了性能。对(SSR,GHP,SQI,LDCT,LTV和TT)等方法进行大尺度和小尺度的融合有助于光照不变的人脸识别。
function img_out = DCTN(img_in Cov2LOG blkPattern numY_pat numX_pat cordY_pat cordX_pat sizeY_pat sizeX_pat)
% face illumination preprocessing using LDCT method
% DCTN: Discrete cosine transforms normalization
% Basic principle: Reflectance field estimation
% References: W.Chen M.J.Er S.Wu Illumination compensation and normalization for
% robust face recognition using discrete cosine transform in logarithm domain
% IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics PartB: Cybernetics 36 (2006) 458–466.
% img_in: the input image
% Cov2LOG: whether use logarithmic operation (true or false)
% blkPattern:
% 0: holistic approach
% 1: localization for holistic approach
% numY_pat: number of patches in Y direction
% numX_pat: number of patches in X direction
% cordY_pat: left most coordinate of every patch
% cordX_pat: top most coordinate of every patch
% sizeY_pat: number of columns in a patch width
% sizeX_pat: number of rows in a patch height
% img_out: the LDCT image
[row col] = size(img_in);
if blkPattern == 0
if Cov2LOG
log_img = double(img_in);
log_img = log(log_img + 1);
C = dct2(log_img);
mu = mean(mean(log_img));
Ddis = 15;
%Ddis = 22 * sqrt( double(row * row + col * col) ) / sqrt(120.0 * 120.0 + 105.0 * 105.0);
C = dct2(double(img_in));
mu = mean(mean(img_in));
Ddis = 22 * sqrt( double(row * row + col * col) ) / sqrt(120.0 * 120.0 + 105.0 * 105.0);
for i = 1 : row
for j = 1 : col
if (i + j) <= (Ddis + 1)
C(i j) = 0;
C(1 1) = log(mu) * sqrt(row * col);
img_rst = idct2(C);
img_rst = mat2gray(img_rst) * 255.0;
img_out = uint8(img_rst);
res_img = zeros(row col);
counter = zeros(row col);
inx = 0;
for i = 1 : numY_pat
for j = 1 : numX_pat
inx = inx + 1;
y1 = cordY_pat(inx);
x1 = cordX_pat(inx);
y2 = cordY_pat(inx) + sizeY_pat(inx) - 1;
x2 = cordX_pat(inx) + sizeX_pat(inx) - 1;
% input pat
in_pat = in_cha(y1: y2 x1 : x2);
[pat_row pat_col] = size(in_pat);
%pat_mu = mean( reshpae(in_pat pat_row * pat_col 1) );
pat_mu = mean(mean(in_pat));
Ddis = 22 * sqrt(pat_row * pat_row + pat_col * pat_col) / sqrt(120.0 * 120.0 + 105.0 * 105.0);
C = dct2(in_pat);
for k = 1 : row
for l = 1 : col
if (k + l) <= (Ddis + 1)
C(k l) = 0;
C(1 1) = log(pat_mu) * sqrt(pat_row * pat_col);
res_pat = idct2(C);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2016-08-11 15:24 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\
文件 3300 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\DCTN.m
文件 595 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\DX.m
文件 595 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\DY.m
文件 828 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\GHP.m
文件 4916 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\GIC.m
文件 6198 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\GIC_Canonical_PIEIllum_64x80.bmp
文件 4470 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\GIC_Canonical_PIEIllum_64x80.mat
文件 6198 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\GIC_Canonical_YaleBExt_64x80.bmp
文件 4880 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\GIC_Canonical_YaleBExt_64x80.mat
文件 2432 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\HE.m
文件 7330 2016-08-11 15:22 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\IlluminationNormalization4OneImg.m
目录 0 2016-08-11 15:20 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\ImagesForDebug\
文件 6198 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\ImagesForDebug\00001_P00A+000E+00.bmp
文件 6198 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\ImagesForDebug\00001_P00A-005E-10.bmp
文件 6198 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\ImagesForDebug\00001_P00A-005E-10_GIC.bmp
文件 6198 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\ImagesForDebug\00001_P00A-010E-20.bmp
文件 6198 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\ImagesForDebug\00001_P00A-035E-20.bmp
文件 6198 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\ImagesForDebug\00001_P00A-035E-20_GIC.bmp
文件 6198 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\ImagesForDebug\00001_P00A-050E+00.bmp
文件 6198 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\ImagesForDebug\00001_P00A-070E+00.bmp
文件 6198 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\ImagesForDebug\00001_P00A-095E+00.bmp
文件 6198 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\ImagesForDebug\00001_P00A-095E+00_GIC.bmp
文件 6198 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\ImagesForDebug\00002_P00A-060E-20.bmp
文件 6198 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\ImagesForDebug\00003_P00A+000E+00.bmp
文件 6198 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\ImagesForDebug\00003_P00A+020E+10.bmp
文件 6198 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\ImagesForDebug\00006_P00A-020E+10.bmp
文件 6198 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\ImagesForDebug\00007_P00A+000E+00.bmp
文件 6198 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\ImagesForDebug\00039_P00A-110E-20.bmp
文件 14038 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\ImagesForDebug\000_105x120.bmp
文件 14038 2016-08-11 14:30 IlluminationPreprocessing_release_v1.0\ImagesForDebug\001_105x120.bmp
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