* YUI Compressor
* http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/compressor/
* Author: Julien Lecomte - http://www.julienlecomte.net/
* Author: Isaac Schlueter - http://foohack.com/
* Author: Stoyan Stefanov - http://phpied.com/
* Copyright (c) 2011 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
* The copyrights embodied in the content of this file are licensed
* by Yahoo! Inc. under the BSD (revised) open source license.
package com.yahoo.platform.yui.compressor;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class CssCompressor {
private StringBuffer srcsb = new StringBuffer();
public CssCompressor(Reader in) throws IOException {
// Read the stream...
int c;
while ((c = in.read()) != -1) {
srcsb.append((char) c);
// Leave data urls alone to increase parse performance.
protected String extractDataUrls(String css ArrayList preservedTokens) {
int maxIndex = css.length() - 1;
int appendIndex = 0;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(“url\\(\\s*([\“‘]?)data\\:“);
Matcher m = p.matcher(css);
* Since we need to account for non-base64 data urls we need to handle
* ‘ and ) being part of the data string. Hence switching to indexOf
* to determine whether or not we have matching string terminators and
* handling sb appends directly instead of using matcher.append* methods.
while (m.find()) {
int startIndex = m.start() + 4; // “url(“.length()
String terminator = m.group(1); // ‘ “ or empty (not quoted)
if (terminator.length() == 0) {
terminator = “)“;
boolean foundTerminator = false;
int endIndex = m.end() - 1;
while(foundTerminator == false && endIndex+1 <= maxIndex) {
endIndex = css.indexOf(terminator endIndex+1);
if ((endIndex > 0) && (css.charAt(endIndex-1) != ‘\\‘)) {
foundTerminator = true;
if (!“)“.equals(terminator)) {
endIndex = css.indexOf(“)“ endIndex);
// Enough searching start moving stuff over to the buffer
sb.append(css.substring(appendIndex m.start()));
if (foundTerminator) {
String token = css.substring(startIndex endIndex);
token = token.replaceAll(“\\s+“ ““);
String preserver = “url(___YUICSSMIN_PRESERVED_TOKEN_“ + (preservedTokens.size() - 1) + “___)“;
appendIndex = endIndex + 1;
} else {
// No end terminator found re-add the whole match. Should we throw/warn here?
sb.append(css.substring(m.start() m.end()));
appendIndex = m.end();
return sb.toString();
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