/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Your language:
* ‘en‘ - English
* ‘de‘ - German
* ‘fr‘ - French
* ‘it‘ - Italian
* ‘nl‘ - Dutch
* ‘se‘ - Swedish
* ‘sp‘ - Spanish
* ‘dk‘ - Danish
* ‘tr‘ - Turkish
* ‘cs‘ - Czech
* ‘ru‘ - Russian
* ‘auto‘ - autoselect
$lang = ‘auto‘;
/* Charset of output:
* possible values are described in the charset table at
* http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.htmlentities.php
* ‘auto‘ - use the same charset as the words of my language are encoded
$site_charset = ‘auto‘;
/* Homedir:
* For example: ‘./‘ - the script‘s directory
$homedir = ‘./‘;
/* Size of the edit textarea
$editcols = 80;
$editrows = 25;
/* ------------------------------------
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 43102 2007-08-24 13:56 tex\webadmin_gb.php
目录 0 2012-09-11 18:03 tex
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
43102 2
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