通过dlib源码编译python失败,通过修改setup.py后,配合cmake和mingw进行编译dlib并生成python库。如果你想要其他的替换mingw,请文件搜索change this。
“““setup for the dlib project
Copyright (C) 2015 Ehsan Azar (dashesy@linux.com)
License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
This file basically just uses CMake to compile the dlib python bindings project
located in the tools/python folder and then puts the outputs into standard
python packages.
To build the dlib:
python setup.py build
To build and install:
python setup.py install
To package the wheel (after pip installing twine and wheel):
python setup.py bdist_wheel
To upload the binary wheel to PyPi
twine upload dist/*.whl
To upload the source distribution to PyPi
python setup.py sdist
twine upload dist/dlib-*.tar.gz
To exclude certain options in the cmake config use --no:
for example:
Additional options:
--compiler-flags: pass flags onto the compiler e.g. --compiler-flags “-Os -Wall“ passes -Os -Wall onto GCC.
-G: Set the CMake generator. E.g. -G “Visual Studio 14 2015“
--clean: delete any previous build folders and rebuild. You should do this if you change any build options
by setting --compiler-flags or --no since the last time you ran a build. This will
ensure the changes take effect.
--set: set arbitrary cmake options e.g. --set CUDA_HOST_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc-6.4.0
passes -DCUDA_HOST_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc-6.4.0 to CMake.
import os
import re
import sys
import shutil
import platform
import subprocess
import multiprocessing
from distutils import log
from math import ceilfloor
from setuptools import setup Extension
from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
def get_extra_cmake_options():
“““read --clean --no --set --compiler-flags and -G options from the command line and add them as cmake switches.
_cmake_extra_options = []
_clean_build_folder = False
opt_key = None
argv = [arg for arg in sys.argv] # take a copy
# parse command line options and consume those we care about
for arg in argv:
if opt_key == ‘compiler-flags‘:
elif opt_key == ‘G‘:
_cmake_extra_options += []
elif opt_key == ‘no‘:
elif opt_key == ‘set‘:
if opt_key:
opt_key = None
if arg == ‘--clean‘:
_clean_build_folder = True
if arg == ‘--yes‘:
print(“The --yes options to dlib‘s setup.py don‘t do anything since all these options “)
print(“are on by default. So --yes has been removed. Do not give it to setup.py.“)
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