# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jun 28 00:33:41 2017
@author: dc
import numpy as np
import curses
from random import randrange choice
from collections import defaultdict
# 建立输入-动作映射表
actions = [‘Up‘ ‘Left‘ ‘Down‘ ‘Right‘ ‘Restart‘ ‘Exit‘]
letter_codes = [ord(ch) for ch in ‘WASDRQwasdrq‘ ]
actions_dict = dict(zip(letter_codesactions * 2))
def invert(qipan):
return [row[::-1] for row in qipan]
def tran(qipan):
return list(np.array(qipan).T)
class GameField(object):
def __init__(self height = 4 width = 4 win_value = 2048):
self.height = height
self.width = width
self.score = 0
self.highscore = 0
self.win_value = win_value
self.win = 0
self.gameover = 0
self.field = [[0 for i in range(self.height) ] for j in range(self.width)]
def spawn(self):
new_element = 4 if randrange(100) > 89 else 2
(iijj) = choice([(ij) for i in range(self.height) for j in range(self.width) if self.field[i][j] == 0])
self.field[ii][jj] = new_element
def get_field(self):
self.field = [[0 for i in range(self.width) ] for j in range(self.height)]
num1 = 4 if randrange(1100) > 89 else 2
num2 = 2 if num1 == 4 else 4
(i1 j1) = choice([(i j) for i in range(self.height) for j in range(self.width) if self.field[i][j]==0])
(i2 j2) = choice([(i j) for i in range(self.height) for j in range(self.width) if self.field[i][j]==0])
self.field[i1][j1] = num1
self.field[i2][j2] = num2
def draw(self screen):
help_string1 = ‘W(up) S(down) A(left) D(right)‘
help_string2 = ‘ R(restart) Q(exit)‘
gameover_string = ‘ GAME OVER‘
win_string = ‘ You Win‘
def draw_line():
line = ‘+‘ + (‘+------‘ * self.width + ‘+‘)[1:]
separator = defaultdict(lambda : line)
if not hasattr(draw_line “counter“):
draw_line.counter = 0
screen.addstr(separator[draw_line.counter] + ‘\n‘)
draw_line.counter += 1
#screen.addstr(‘+‘ + “------+“ * 4 + ‘\n‘)
def draw_nums(row_num):
#给定一行(默认4个)数字,如[0, 0, 0, 4],以列表存放,该函数将其画在screen上
screen.addstr(‘‘.join(‘|{: ^5} ‘.format(num) if num > 0 else ‘| ‘ for num in row_num) + ‘|‘ + ‘\n‘)
screen.addstr(‘SCORE: 0‘ + ‘\n‘)
for row in
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 9829 2017-06-28 00:34 2048_success.py
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