# merge bn & scale into convolution and remove dropout layer
# this is a modified version from https://github.com/sanghoon/pva-faster-rcnn/blob/master/tools/gen_merged_model.py which further remove dropout layer
import numpy as np
import sys
import os
import os.path as osp
import google.protobuf as pb
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import sys
caffe_root = ‘/home/yly/ENet/caffe-enet/‘
sys.path.insert(0 caffe_root + ‘python‘)
import caffe
def load_and_fill_biases(src_model src_weights dst_model dst_weights):
with open(src_model) as f:
model = caffe.proto.caffe_pb2.NetParameter()
pb.text_format.Merge(f.read() model)
for i layer in enumerate(model.layer):
if layer.type == ‘Convolution‘: # or layer.type == ‘Scale‘:
# Add bias layer if needed
if layer.convolution_param.bias_term == False:
layer.convolution_param.bias_term = True
layer.convolution_param.bias_filler.type = ‘constant‘
layer.convolution_param.bias_filler.value = 0.0
with open(dst_model ‘w‘) as f:
net_src = caffe.Net(src_model src_weights caffe.TEST)
net_dst = caffe.Net(dst_model caffe.TEST)
for key in net_src.params.keys():
for i in range(len(net_src.params[key])):
net_dst.params[key][i].data[:] = net_src.params[key][i].data[:]
if dst_weights is not None:
# Store params
return net_dst
def merge_conv_and_bn(net i_conv i_bn i_scale):
# This is based on Kyeheyon‘s work
assert(i_conv != None)
assert(i_bn != None)
def copy_double(data):
return np.array(data copy=True dtype=np.double)
key_conv = net._layer_names[i_conv]
key_bn = net._layer_names[i_bn]
key_scale = net._layer_names[i_scale] if i_scale else None
# Copy
bn_mean = copy_double(net.params[key_bn][0].data)
bn_variance = copy_double(net.params[key_bn][1].data)
num_bn_samples = copy_double(net.params[key_bn][2].data)
# and Invalidate the BN layer
net.params[key_bn][0].data[:] = 0
net.params[key_bn][1].data[:] = 1
net.params[key_bn][2].data[:] = 1
if num_bn_samples[0] == 0:
num_bn_samples[0] = 1
if net.params.has_key(key_scale):
print ‘Combine {:s} + {:s} + {:s}‘.format(key_conv key_bn key_scale)
scale_weight = copy_double(net.params[key_scale][0].data)
scale_bias = copy_double(net.params[key_scale][1].data)
net.params[key_scale][0].data[:] = 1
net.params[key_scale][1].data[:] = 0
print ‘Combine {:s} + {:s}‘.format(key_conv key_bn)
scale_weight = 1
scale_bias = 0
weight = copy_double(net.params[key_conv][0].data)
bias = copy_double(net.params[key_conv][1].data)
alpha = scale_weight / np.sqrt(bn_variance / num_bn_samples[0] + np.
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