1、Python 实现社交网络影响力最大化 Linear_Threshold(线性阈值模型)算法。
4、代码实现环境:Python2.7, Anoconda2,Pycharm2017。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Implement linear threshold models
社交网络影响力最大化 传播模型——线性阈值(LT)模型算法实现
import copy
import itertools
import random
import math
import networkx as nx
__all__ = [‘linear_threshold‘]
# Some Famous Diffusion Models
def linear_threshold(G seeds steps=0): #LT线性阈值算法
G : networkx graph #所有节点构成的图
The number of nodes.
seeds: list of nodes #子节点集
The seed nodes of the graph
steps: int #激活节点的层数(深度),当steps<=0时,返回子节点集能激活的所有节点
The number of steps to diffuse
When steps <= 0 the model diffuses until no more nodes
can be activated
layer_i_nodes : list of list of activated nodes
layer_i_nodes[0]: the seeds #子节点集
layer_i_nodes[k]: the nodes activated at the kth diffusion step #该子节点集激活的节点集
1. Each node is supposed to have an attribute “threshold“. If not the
default value is given (0.5). #每个节点有一个阈值,这里默认阈值为:0.5
2. Each edge is supposed to have an attribute “influence“. If not the
default value is given (1/in_degree) #每个边有一个权重值,这里默认为:1/入度
[1] GranovetterMark. Threshold models of collective behavior.
The American journal of sociology 1978.
if type(G) == nx.MultiGraph or type(G) == nx.MultiDiGraph:
raise Exception( \
“linear_threshold() is not defined for graphs with multiedges.“)
# make sure the seeds are in the graph
for s in seeds:
if s not in G.nodes():
raise Exception(“seed“ s “is not in graph“)
# change to directed graph
if not G.is_directed():
DG = G.to_directed()
DG = copy.deepcopy(G) # copy.deepcopy 深拷贝 拷贝对象及其子对象
# init thresholds
for n in DG.nodes():
if ‘threshold‘ not in DG.node[n]:
DG.node[n][‘threshold‘] = 0.5
elif DG.node[n][‘threshold‘] > 1:
raise Exception(“node threshold:“ DG.node[n][‘threshold‘] \
“cannot be larger than 1“)
# init influences
in_deg = DG.in_degree() #获取所有节点的入度
for e in DG.edges():
if ‘influence‘ not in DG[e[0]][e[1]]:
DG[e[0]][e[1]][‘influence‘] = 1.0 / in_deg[e[1]] #计算边的权重
elif DG[e[0]][e[1]][‘influence‘] > 1:
raise Exception(“edge influence:“ DG[e[0]][e[1]][‘influence‘] \
“cannot be larger than 1“)
# perform diffusion
A = copy.deepcopy(seeds)
if steps <= 0:
# perform diffusion until no more nodes can be activated
return _diffuse_all(DG A)
# perform diffusion for at most “steps“ rounds only
return _diffuse_k_rounds(DG A steps)
def _diffuse_all(G A):
layer_i_nodes = [ ]
layer_i_nodes.append([i for i in A])
while True:
len_old = len(A)
A activated_nodes_of_this_round = _diffuse_one_round(G A)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2018-05-21 15:34 Linear_Threshold\
目录 0 2018-05-21 15:34 Linear_Threshold\Linear_Threshold\
文件 4354 2018-03-24 09:37 Linear_Threshold\Linear_Threshold\linear_threshold.py
文件 4273 2018-03-24 09:37 Linear_Threshold\Linear_Threshold\linear_threshold_clime.py
文件 5519 2018-03-24 09:37 Linear_Threshold\Linear_Threshold\LT_improve.py
文件 103 2018-05-21 15:36 Linear_Threshold\Linear_Threshold\readme.txt
文件 1348 2018-03-24 09:37 Linear_Threshold\Linear_Threshold\test_linear_threshold.py
文件 2766 2018-03-24 09:37 Linear_Threshold\Linear_Threshold\test_linear_threshold_clime.py
文件 261 2018-03-24 09:37 Linear_Threshold\Linear_Threshold\Wiki-Vote.txt
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