大小: 17.46MB文件类型: .pdf金币: 1下载: 0 次发布日期: 2023-07-22
- 语言: Python
- 标签: computer network networking computer
经典计算机网络书籍 Computer Networking - A Top Down Approach第七版, 2017年
由epub文件转换成pdf, 比扫描版小很多
1. python2的代码全部移植到python3
2. 网络层的描述分成data plane和control plane两章,介绍了SDN
3. 过时的技术删除了,新增了4G, LTE等内容。
- 神经网络与深度学习-Neural Network and
- Deep_Learning_for_Computer_Vision_with_Python全
- Mastering Python Networking 2nd Edition
- OpenCV_ Computer Vision Projects with Python.P
- 《neural networks and deep learning》《神经
- Hands-On Convolutional Neural Networks with Te
- Introduction to Computer Science and Programmi
- Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python
- Practical Social Network Analysis with Python
- Computer Simulation Foundational Approach Pyt
- deep learning for computer vision
- Python-SPNLearningAffinityviaSpatialPropagatio
- Deep Learning for Computer Vision Expert techn
- Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python三
- Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python全
- Deep learning for computer vision with python全
- Deep_Learning_for_Computer_Vision_with_Python,
- Bayesian Network贝叶斯网络 Python Program
- Hopfield Neural Network——神经网络pytho
- Python 强大的图论和网络研究工具 ne
- BGLL社区划分算法python+networkx包
- NetAnalyze 建立网络
- Practical Programming - An Introduction to Com
- Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python链
- Practical Computer Vision Applications Using D
- Deep Learning: Recurrent Neural Networks in Py
- [machine_learning_mastery系列]long-short-ter
- Think Python2: How to Think Like a Computer Sc
- 深度学习之三:深度强化学习DQN-Dee
- Python-训练和可视化分层注意网络Hie
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