python pypy
# Copyright 2007 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement.
“““Abstract base Classes (ABCs) according to PEP 3119.“““
import types
from _weakrefset import WeakSet
# Instance of old-style class
class _C: pass
_InstanceType = type(_C())
def abstractmethod(funcobj):
“““A decorator indicating abstract methods.
Requires that the metaclass is ABCmeta or derived from it. A
class that has a metaclass derived from ABCmeta cannot be
instantiated unless all of its abstract methods are overridden.
The abstract methods can be called using any of the normal
‘super‘ call mechanisms.
class C:
__metaclass__ = ABCmeta
def my_abstract_method(self ...):
funcobj.__isabstractmethod__ = True
return funcobj
class abstractproperty(property):
“““A decorator indicating abstract properties.
Requires that the metaclass is ABCmeta or derived from it. A
class that has a metaclass derived from ABCmeta cannot be
instantiated unless all of its abstract properties are overridden.
The abstract properties can be called using any of the normal
‘super‘ call mechanisms.
class C:
__metaclass__ = ABCmeta
def my_abstract_property(self):
This defines a read-only property; you can also define a read-write
abstract property using the ‘long‘ form of property declaration:
class C:
__metaclass__ = ABCmeta
def getx(self): ...
def setx(self value): ...
x = abstractproperty(getx setx)
__isabstractmethod__ = True
class ABCmeta(type):
“““metaclass for defining Abstract base Classes (ABCs).
Use this metaclass to create an ABC. An ABC can be subclassed
directly and then acts as a mix-in class. You can also register
unrelated concrete classes (even built-in classes) and unrelated
ABCs as ‘virtual subclasses‘ -- these and their descendants will
be considered subclasses of the registering ABC by the built-in
issubclass() function but the registering ABC won‘t show up in
their MRO (Method Resolution Order) nor will method
implementations defined by the registering ABC be callable (not
even via super()).
# A global counter that is incremented each time a class is
# registered as a virtual subclass of anything. It forces the
# negative cache to be cleared before its next use.
_abc_invalidation_counter = 0
def __new__(mcls name bases namespace):
cls = super(ABCmeta mcls).__new__(mcls name bases namespace)
# Compute set of abstract method names
abstracts = set(name
for name value in namespace.items()
if getattr(value “__isabstractmethod__“ False))
for base in bases:
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
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文件 345 2017-06-06 03:29 pypy2-v5.8.0-win32\include\traceback.h
文件 157 2017-06-06 03:29 pypy2-v5.8.0-win32\include\compile.h
文件 302 2017-06-06 03:29 pypy2-v5.8.0-win32\include\fr
文件 1022 2017-06-06 03:29 pypy2-v5.8.0-win32\include\abstract.h
文件 12 2017-06-06 03:29 pypy2-v5.8.0-win32\include\ceval.h
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