import requests
import re
import argparse
import json
import os
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument(“url“ help=“Target Url你所需要文档的URL“ type=str)
parser.add_argument(‘type‘ help=“Target Type你所需要文档的的类型(DOC|PPT|TXT|PDF)“ type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()
url = args.url
type = args.type
# 根据文件决定函数
y = 0
def DOC(url):
doc_id = re.findall(‘view/(.*).html‘ url)[0]
html = requests.get(url).text
lists = re.findall(‘(https.*?0.json.*?)\\\\x22}‘ html)
lenth = (len(lists) // 2)
NewLists = lists[:lenth]
for i in range(len(NewLists)):
NewLists[i] = NewLists[i].replace(‘\\‘ ‘‘)
txts = requests.get(NewLists[i]).text
txtlists = re.findall(‘“c“:“(.*?)“.*?“y“:(.*?)‘ txts)
for i in range(0 len(txtlists)):
global y
print(txtlists[i][0].encode(‘utf-8‘).decode(‘unicode_escape‘ ‘ignore‘))
if y != txtlists[i][1]:
y = txtlists[i][1]
n = ‘\n‘
n = ‘‘
filename = doc_id + ‘.txt‘
with open(filename ‘a‘ encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f:
f.write(n + txtlists[i][0].encode(‘utf-8‘).decode(‘unicode_escape‘ ‘ignore‘).replace(‘\\‘ ‘‘))
print(“文档保存在“ + filename)
def PPT(url):
doc_id = re.findall(‘view/(.*).html‘ url)[0]
url = “https://wenku.baidu.com/browse/getbcsurl?doc_id=“ + doc_id + “&pn=1&rn=99999&type=ppt“
html = requests.get(url).text
lists = re.findall(‘{“zoom“:“(.*?)““page“‘ html)
for i in range(0 len(lists)):
lists[i] = lists[i].replace(“\\“ ‘‘)
for i in range(0 len(lists)):
img = requests.get(lists[i]).content
with open(doc_id + ‘\img‘ + str(i) + ‘.jpg‘ ‘wb‘) as m:
print(“PPT图片保存在“ + doc_id + “文件夹“)
def TXT(url):
doc_id = re.findall(‘view/(.*).html‘ url)[0]
url = “https://wenku.baidu.com/api/doc/getdocinfo?callback=cb&doc_id=“ + doc_id
html = requests.get(url).text
md5 = re.findall(‘“md5sum“:“(.*?)“‘ html)[0]
pn = re.findall(‘“totalPageNum“:“(.*?)“‘ html)[0]
rsign = re.findall(‘“rsign“:“(.*?)“‘ html)[0]
NewUrl = ‘https://wkretype.bdimg.com/retype/text/‘ + doc_id + ‘?rn=‘ + pn + ‘&type=txt‘ + md5 + ‘&rsign=‘ + rsign
txt = requests.get(NewUrl).text
jsons = json.loads(txt)
texts = re.findall(“‘c‘: ‘(.*?)‘“ str(jsons))
filename = doc_id + ‘.txt‘
with open(filename ‘a‘ encoding=‘utf-8‘) as f:
for i in range(0 len(texts)):
texts[i] = texts[i].replace(‘\\r‘ ‘\r‘)
texts[i] = texts[i].replace(‘\\n‘ ‘\n‘)
print(“文档保存在“ + filename)
def FPD(url):
doc_id = re.findall(‘view/(.*).html‘ url)[0]
url = “https://wenku.baidu.com/browse/getbcsurl?doc_id=“ + doc_id + “&pn=1&rn=99999&type=ppt“
html = requests.get(url).text
lists = re.findall(‘{“zoom“:“(.*?)“
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目录 0 2018-05-30 10:03 文库爬虫\.idea
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