把 压缩文件 放到服务器上 解压 运行安装 进入 目录DjangoUeditor3-2.0 运行:python setup.py install

from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.command.install_data import install_data
from distutils.command.install import INSTALL_SCHEMES
import os
import sys
class osx_install_data(install_data):
# On MacOS the platform-specific lib dir is /System/Library/framework/Python/.../
# which is wrong. Python 2.5 supplied with MacOS 10.5 has an Apple-specific fix
# for this in distutils.command.install_data#306. It fixes install_lib but not
# install_data which is why we roll our own install_data class.
def finalize_options(self):
# By the time finalize_options is called install.install_lib is set to the
# fixed directory so we set the installdir to install_lib. The
# install_data class uses (‘install_data‘ ‘install_dir‘) instead.
self.set_undefined_options(‘install‘ (‘install_lib‘ ‘install_dir‘))
if sys.platform == “darwin“:
cmdclasses = {‘install_data‘: osx_install_data}
cmdclasses = {‘install_data‘: install_data}
def fullsplit(path result=None):
Split a pathname into components (the opposite of os.path.join) in a
platform-neutral way.
if result is None:
result = []
head tail = os.path.split(path)
if head == ‘‘:
return [tail] + result
if head == path:
return result
return fullsplit(head [tail] + result)
# Tell distutils not to put the data_files in platform-specific installation
# locations. See here for an explanation:
# http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_thread/thread/35ec7b2fed36eaec/2105ee4d9e8042cb
for scheme in INSTALL_SCHEMES.values():
scheme[‘data‘] = scheme[‘purelib‘]
# Compile the list of packages available because distutils doesn‘t have
# an easy way to do this.
packages data_files = [] []
root_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
if root_dir != ‘‘:
ueditor_dir = ‘DjangoUeditor‘
for dirpath dirnames filenames in os.walk(ueditor_dir):
# Ignore dirnames that start with ‘.‘
for i dirname in enumerate(dirnames):
if dirname.startswith(‘.‘): del dirnames[i]
if ‘__init__.py‘ in filenames:
elif filenames:
data_files.append([dirpath [os.path.join(dirpath f) for f in filenames]])
# Small hack for working with bdist_wininst.
# See http://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2004-August/004134.html
if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == ‘bdist_wininst‘:
for file_info in data_files:
file_info[0] = ‘\\PURELIB\\%s‘ % file_info[0]
# Dynamically calculate the version based on django.VERSION.
version = “2.0“
name = “DjangoUeditor“
version = version
url = ‘‘
author = ‘wsj‘
author_email = ‘hzwsj@126.com‘
description = ‘A Django application for Baidu Ueditor.‘
download_url = ‘‘
packages = pa
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2020-06-15 21:30 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\
目录 0 2020-06-15 21:30 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\build\
目录 0 2020-06-15 21:30 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\build\lib\
目录 0 2020-06-15 21:30 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\build\lib\DjangoUeditor\
文件 5879 2018-05-03 07:31 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\build\lib\DjangoUeditor\commands.py
文件 1423 2018-05-04 20:19 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\build\lib\DjangoUeditor\forms.py
文件 1663 2018-05-03 07:34 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\build\lib\DjangoUeditor\models.py
文件 6150 2018-05-03 07:35 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\build\lib\DjangoUeditor\settings.py
文件 160 2018-05-06 16:50 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\build\lib\DjangoUeditor\urls.py
文件 3783 2018-05-03 10:12 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\build\lib\DjangoUeditor\utils.py
文件 11734 2018-05-06 17:01 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\build\lib\DjangoUeditor\views.py
文件 6942 2018-05-06 00:56 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\build\lib\DjangoUeditor\widgets.py
文件 0 2014-06-15 23:10 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\build\lib\DjangoUeditor\__init__.py
目录 0 2018-05-06 16:59 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\DjangoUeditor\
文件 5879 2018-05-03 07:31 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\DjangoUeditor\commands.py
文件 1423 2018-05-04 20:19 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\DjangoUeditor\forms.py
文件 1663 2018-05-03 07:34 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\DjangoUeditor\models.py
文件 6150 2018-05-03 07:35 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\DjangoUeditor\settings.py
目录 0 2018-05-04 20:20 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\DjangoUeditor\static\
目录 0 2018-05-06 16:59 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\DjangoUeditor\static\ueditor\
目录 0 2018-05-06 16:59 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\DjangoUeditor\static\ueditor\dialogs\
目录 0 2018-05-04 20:20 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\DjangoUeditor\static\ueditor\dialogs\anchor\
文件 1627 2014-05-29 16:47 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\DjangoUeditor\static\ueditor\dialogs\anchor\anchor.html
目录 0 2018-05-06 16:59 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\DjangoUeditor\static\ueditor\dialogs\attachment\
文件 15063 2014-05-29 16:47 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\DjangoUeditor\static\ueditor\dialogs\attachment\attachment.css
文件 2370 2014-05-29 16:47 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\DjangoUeditor\static\ueditor\dialogs\attachment\attachment.html
文件 30808 2014-05-29 16:47 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\DjangoUeditor\static\ueditor\dialogs\attachment\attachment.js
目录 0 2018-05-06 16:59 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\DjangoUeditor\static\ueditor\dialogs\attachment\fileTypeImages\
文件 923 2014-05-29 16:47 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\DjangoUeditor\static\ueditor\dialogs\attachment\fileTypeImages\icon_chm.gif
文件 841 2014-05-29 16:47 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\DjangoUeditor\static\ueditor\dialogs\attachment\fileTypeImages\icon_default.png
文件 1012 2014-05-29 16:47 DjangoUeditor3-2.0\DjangoUeditor\static\ueditor\dialogs\attachment\fileTypeImages\icon_doc.gif
- 上一篇:pyltp安装wheel文件
- 下一篇:Python3 基础知识思维导图
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