大小: 3.39MB文件类型: .pdf金币: 1下载: 0 次发布日期: 2023-10-03
- 语言: Python
- 标签: Python3 Network Programming
这本书是2014年底出版的,基于最新的 python3.4 版本。
Chapter 1: Introduction to Client-Server Networking
Chapter 2: UDP
Chapter 3: TCP
Chapter 4: Socket Names and DNS
Chapter 5: Network Data and Network Errors
Chapter 6: TLS/SSL
Chapter 7: Server Architecture
Chapter 8: Caches and Message Queues
Chapter 9: HTTP Clients
Chapter 10: HTTP Servers
Chapter 11: The World Wide Web
Chapter 12: Building and Parsing E-Mail
Chapter 13: SMTP
Chapter 14: POP
Chapter 15: IMAP
Chapter 16: Telnet and SSH
Chapter 17: FTP
Chapter 18: RPC
Instead, this book focuses on network programming, using Python 3 for every example script and snippet of code at
the Python prompt. These examples are intended to build a comprehensive picture of how network clients, network servers,
and network tools can best be constructed from the tools provided by the language. Readers can study the transition from
Python 2 to Python 3 by comparing the scripts used in each chapter of the second edition of this book with the listings here
in the third edition—both of which are available at https://github.com/brandon-rhodes/fopnp/tree/m/ thanks to the
excellent Apress policy of making source code available online. The goal in each of the following chapters is simply to show
you how Python 3 can best be used to solve modern network programming problems.
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