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from datetime import tzinfo timedelta datetime
ZERO = timedelta(0)
HOUR = timedelta(hours=1)
SECOND = timedelta(seconds=1)
# A class capturing the platform‘s idea of local time.
# (May result in wrong values on historical times in
# timezones where UTC offset and/or the DST rules had
# changed in the past.)
import time as _time
STDOFFSET = timedelta(seconds = -_time.timezone)
if _time.daylight:
DSTOFFSET = timedelta(seconds = -_time.altzone)
class LocalTimezone(tzinfo):
def fromutc(self dt):
assert dt.tzinfo is self
stamp = (dt - datetime(1970 1 1 tzinfo=self)) // SECOND
args = _time.localtime(stamp)[:6]
dst_diff = DSTDIFF // SECOND
# Detect fold
fold = (args == _time.localtime(stamp - dst_diff))
return datetime(*args microsecond=dt.microsecond
tzinfo=self fold=fold)
def utcoffset(self dt):
if self._isdst(dt):
def dst(self dt):
if self._isdst(dt):
return DSTDIFF
return ZERO
def tzname(self dt):
return _time.tzname[self._isdst(dt)]
def _isdst(self dt):
tt = (dt.year dt.month dt.day
dt.hour dt.minute dt.second
dt.weekday() 0 0)
stamp = _time.mktime(tt)
tt = _time.localtime(stamp)
return tt.tm_isdst > 0
Local = LocalTimezone()
# A complete implementation of current DST rules for major US time zones.
def first_sunday_on_or_after(dt):
days_to_go = 6 - dt.weekday()
if days_to_go:
dt += timedelta(days_to_go)
return dt
# US DST Rules
# This is a simplified (i.e. wrong for a few cases) set of rules for US
# DST start and end times. For a complete and up-to-date set of DST rules
# and timezone definitions visit the Olson Database (or try pytz):
# http://www.twinsun.com/tz/tz-link.htm
# http://sourceforge.net/projects/pytz/ (might not be up-to-date)
# In the US since 2007 DST starts at 2am (standard time) on the second
# Sunday in March which is the first Sunday on or after Mar 8.
DSTSTART_2007 = datetime(1 3 8 2)
# and ends at 2am (DST time) on the first Sunday of Nov.
DSTEND_2007 = datetime(1 11 1 2)
# From 1987 to 2006 DST used to start at 2am (standard time) on the first
# Sunday in April and to end at 2am (DST time) on the last
# Sunday of October which is the first Sunday on or after Oct 25.
DSTSTART_1987_2006 = datetime(1 4 1 2)
DSTEND_1987_2006 = datetime(1 10 25 2)
# From 1967 to 1986 DST used to start at 2am (standard time) on the last
# Sunday in April (the one on or after April 24) and to end at 2am (DST time)
# on the last Sunday of October which is the first Sunday
# on or after Oct 25.
DSTSTART_1967_1986 = datetime(1 4 24 2)
DSTEND_1967_1986 = DSTEND_1987_2006
def us_dst_range(year):
# Find start
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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