
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: wuzida
# @Date: 2018-12-28 15:20:54
# @Last Modified by: wuzida
# @Last Modified time: 2018-12-29 16:49:16
import math
a = 6378137
b = 6356752.3142
f = (a - b) / a
e_sq = f * (2-f)
pi = 3.14159265359
def geodetic_to_ecef(lat lon h):
# (lat lon) in degrees
# h in meters
lamb = math.radians(lat)
phi = math.radians(lon)
s = math.sin(lamb)
N = a / math.sqrt(1 - e_sq * s * s)
sin_lambda = math.sin(lamb)
cos_lambda = math.cos(lamb)
sin_phi = math.sin(phi)
cos_phi = math.cos(phi)
x = (h + N) * cos_lambda * cos_phi
y = (h + N) * cos_lambda * sin_phi
z = (h + (1 - e_sq) * N) * sin_lambda
return x y z
def ecef_to_enu(x y z lat0 lon0 h0):
lamb = math.radians(lat0)
phi = math.radians(lon0)
s = math.sin(lamb)
N = a / math.sqrt(1 - e_sq * s * s)
sin_lambda = math.sin(lamb)
cos_lambda = math.cos(lamb)
sin_phi = math.sin(phi)
cos_phi = math.cos(phi)
x0 = (h0 + N) * cos_lambda * cos_phi
y0 = (h0 + N) * cos_lambda * sin_phi
z0 = (h0 + (1 - e_sq) * N) * sin_lambda
xd = x - x0
yd = y - y0
zd = z - z0
t = -cos_phi * xd - sin_phi * yd
xEast = -sin_phi * xd + cos_phi * yd
yNorth = t * sin_lambda + cos_lambda * zd
zUp = cos_lambda * cos_phi * xd + cos_lambda * sin_phi * yd + sin_lambda * zd
return xEast yNorth zUp
def enu_to_ecef(xEast yNorth zUp lat0 lon0 h0):
lamb = math.radians(lat0)
phi = math.radians(lon0)
s = math.sin(lamb)
N = a / math.sqrt(1 - e_sq * s * s)
sin_lambda = math.sin(lamb)
cos_lambda = math.cos(lamb)
sin_phi = math.sin(phi)
cos_phi = math.cos(phi)
x0 = (h0 + N) * cos_lambda * cos_phi
y0 = (h0 + N) * cos_lambda * sin_phi
z0 = (h0 + (1 - e_sq) * N) * sin_lambda
t = cos_lambda * zUp - sin_lambda * yNorth
zd = sin_lambda * zUp + cos_lambda * yNorth
xd = cos_phi * t - sin_phi * xEast
yd = sin_phi * t + cos_phi * xEast
x = xd + x0
y = yd + y0
z = zd + z0
return x y z
def ecef_to_geodetic(x y z):
# Convert from ECEF cartesian coordinates to
# latitude longitude and height. WGS-84
x2 = x ** 2
y2 = y ** 2
z2 = z ** 2
a = 6378137.0000 # earth radius in meters
b = 6356752.3142 # earth semiminor in meters
e = math.sqrt (1-(b/a)**2)
b2 = b*b
e2 = e ** 2
ep = e*(a/b)
r = math.sqrt(x2+y2)
r2 = r*r
E2 = a ** 2 - b ** 2
F = 54*b2*z2
G = r2 + (1-e2)*z2 - e2*E2
c = (e2*e2*F*r2)/(G*G*G)
s = ( 1 + c + math.sqrt(c*c + 2*c) )**(1/3)
P = F / (3 * (s+1/s+1)**2 * G*G)
Q = math.sqrt(1+2*e2*e2*P)
ro = -(P*e2*r)/(1+Q) + math.sqrt((a*a/2)*(1+1/Q) - (P*(1-e2)*z2)/(Q*(1+Q)) - P*r2/2)
tmp = (r - e2*ro) ** 2
U = math.sqrt( tmp + z2 )
V = math.sqrt( tmp + (1-e2)*z2 )
zo = (b2*z)/(a*V)
height = U*( 1 - b2/(a*V) )
lat = math.atan( (z + ep*ep*zo)/r )
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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目录 0 2019-12-02 11:56 ENU与WGS84相互转换_python&matlab\enu转wgs_matlab\
文件 1376 2019-12-01 15:30 ENU与WGS84相互转换_python&matlab\enu转wgs_matlab\ecef_to_geodetic.m
文件 700 2019-12-01 15:08 ENU与WGS84相互转换_python&matlab\enu转wgs_matlab\enu_to_ecef.m
文件 207 2019-12-01 15:14 ENU与WGS84相互转换_python&matlab\enu转wgs_matlab\enu_to_geodetic.m
文件 3592 2018-12-29 17:12 ENU与WGS84相互转换_python&matlab\geo.py
文件 113 2019-12-02 12:02 ENU与WGS84相互转换_python&matlab\Readme.txt
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