<Building Django 2.0 Web Applications: Create enterprise-grade, scalable Python web applications easily with Django 2.0>
Go from the initial idea to a production-deployed web app using Django 2.0.
Key FeaturesA beginners guide to learning python's most popular framework, DjangoBuild fully featured web projects in Django 2.0 through examples.Deploy web applications in quick and reliable fashion with DockerBook Description
This project-based guide will give you a sound understanding of Django 2.0 through three full-featured applications. It starts off by building a basic IMDB clone and adding users who can register, vote on their favorite movies, and upload associated pictures. You will learn how to use the votes that your users have cast to build a list of the top 10 movies. This book will also take you through deploying your app into a production environment using Docker containers hosted on the server in Amazon's Electric Computing Cloud (EC2).
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