# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This is a Python implementation of the algorithms introduced in the paper
Márquez-Neila P. Baumela L. Álvarez L. “A morphological approach
to curvature-based evolution of curves and surfaces“. IEEE Transactions
on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) 2013.
This implementation is intended to be as brief understandable and self-contained
as possible. It does not include any enhancement to make it fast or efficient.
Any practical implementation of this algorithm should work only over the
neighbor pixels of the 0.5-levelset not over all the embedding function
and perhaps should feature multi-threading or GPU capabilities.
The classes MorphGAC and MorphACWE provide most of the functionality of this
module. They implement the Morphological Geodesic Active Contours and the
Morphological Active Contours without Edges respectively. See the
aforementioned paper for full details.
See test.py for examples of usage.
__author__ = “P. Márquez Neila “
from itertools import cycle
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage
from scipy.ndimage import binary_dilation binary_erosion \
gaussian_filter gaussian_gradient_magnitude
class fcycle(object):
def __init__(self iterable):
“““Call functions from the iterable each time it is called.“““
self.funcs = cycle(iterable)
def __call__(self *args **kwargs):
f = next(self.funcs)
return f(*args **kwargs)
# SI and IS operators for 2D and 3D.
_P2 = [np.eye(3) np.array([[010]]*3) np.flipud(np.eye(3)) np.rot90([[010]]*3)]
_P3 = [np.zeros((333)) for i in range(9)]
_P3[0][::1] = 1
_P3[1][:1:] = 1
_P3[2][1::] = 1
_P3[3][:[012][012]] = 1
_P3[4][:[012][210]] = 1
_P3[5][[012]:[012]] = 1
_P3[6][[012]:[210]] = 1
_P3[7][[012][012]:] = 1
_P3[8][[012][210]:] = 1
_aux = np.zeros((0))
def SI(u):
“““SI operator.“““
global _aux
if np.ndim(u) == 2:
P = _P2
elif np.ndim(u) == 3:
P = _P3
raise ValueError(“u has an invalid number of dimensions (should be 2 or 3)“)
if u.shape != _aux.shape[1:]:
_aux = np.zeros((len(P)) + u.shape)
for _aux_i P_i in zip(_aux P):
_aux_i[:] = binary_erosion(u P_i)
return _aux.max(0)
def IS(u):
“““IS operator.“““
global _aux
if np.ndim(u) == 2:
P = _P2
elif np.ndim(u) == 3:
P = _P3
raise ValueError(“u has an invalid number of dimensions (should be 2 or 3)“)
if u.shape != _aux.shape[1:]:
_aux = np.zeros((len(P)) + u.shape)
for _aux_i P_i in zip(_aux P):
_aux_i[:] = binary_dilation(u P_i)
return _aux.min(0)
# SIoIS operator.
SIoIS = lambda u: SI(IS(u))
ISoSI = lambda u: IS(SI(u))
curvop = fcycle([SIoIS ISoSI])
# Stopping factors (function g(I) in the paper).
def gborders(img a
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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目录 0 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\
文件 1485 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\LICENSE
文件 4433 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\README.rst
目录 0 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\examples\
文件 1565913 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\examples\Figure10.png
文件 1073903 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\examples\Figure12.png
文件 994220 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\examples\Figure13.png
文件 563534 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\examples\Figure14.png
文件 1259086 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\examples\Figure9.png
文件 2510561 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\examples\dendrite.gif
文件 2927 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\examples\eq1.png
文件 3511 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\examples\eq2.png
文件 295294 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\examples\europe.gif
文件 174887 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\examples\lakes.gif
文件 144363 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\examples\nodule.gif
文件 609464 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\examples\starfish.gif
文件 11932 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\morphsnakes.py
目录 0 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\testimages\
文件 1152080 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\testimages\confocal.npy
文件 23635 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\testimages\lakes3.jpg
文件 196662 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\testimages\mama07ORI.bmp
文件 157449 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\testimages\seastar2.png
文件 2547 2017-06-12 18:39 morphsnakes-master\tests.py
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