#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import cv2
import ipdb
########################### Global Parameters ###################################
trainFolder = ‘train‘
testFolder = ‘test‘
trainPrefix = ‘mnist_train‘
testPrefix = ‘mnist_test‘
postfix = ‘.jpg‘
sideLength = 28
########################### Global Parameters ###################################
############################ Initialization #####################################
ROOT = os.getcwd() # MUST run in the directory of this very script
############################ Initialization #####################################
# Extract & Save each single-number image of MNIST
def MNIST_extract(folder prefix):
print ‘Category:‘ folder prefix
# For each number from 0 to 9
for i in xrange(0 10):
print ‘Class:‘ str(i)
# Read over-all image of each class
allImage = cv2.imread(os.path.join(ROOT folder prefix + str(i) + postfix))
print ‘Shape:‘ allImage.shape[0 : 2]
count = 0
print ‘Processing ...‘
for corY in xrange(0 allImage.shape[1] / sideLength):
for corX in xrange(0 allImage.shape[0] / sideLength):
count += 1
# Cropped image of single-number
singleImage = allImage[corX * sideLength : (corX + 1) * sideLength
corY * sideLength : (corY + 1) * sideLength
‘‘‘ Show
cv2.imshow(‘Single Number‘ singleImage)
# ‘‘‘
# ‘‘‘ Save
saveLocation = os.path.join(ROOT folder str(i) prefix + str(i) + ‘_‘ + str(count) + postfix)
cv2.imwrite(saveLocation singleImage)
# ipdb.set_trace()
# ‘‘‘
print ‘Count:‘ count ‘All Saved.‘
if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:
# ‘‘‘ \SWITCH/ : train OR test
MNIST_extract(trainFolder trainPrefix)
‘‘‘ # \Division/
MNIST_extract(testFolder testPrefix)
# ‘‘‘ # \END/
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2017-03-13 22:31 MNIST\
文件 2137 2017-03-24 11:06 MNIST\MNIST_extraction.py
目录 0 2017-03-13 23:05 MNIST\test\
文件 418304 2017-03-24 10:53 MNIST\test\Thumbs.db
文件 250811 2015-12-11 22:37 MNIST\test\mnist_test0.jpg
文件 159653 2015-12-11 22:37 MNIST\test\mnist_test1.jpg
文件 251755 2015-12-11 22:37 MNIST\test\mnist_test2.jpg
文件 241132 2015-12-11 22:37 MNIST\test\mnist_test3.jpg
文件 219251 2015-12-11 22:38 MNIST\test\mnist_test4.jpg
文件 210820 2015-12-11 22:38 MNIST\test\mnist_test5.jpg
文件 223340 2015-12-11 22:38 MNIST\test\mnist_test6.jpg
文件 217227 2015-12-11 22:38 MNIST\test\mnist_test7.jpg
文件 235102 2015-12-11 22:38 MNIST\test\mnist_test8.jpg
文件 219671 2015-12-11 22:38 MNIST\test\mnist_test9.jpg
目录 0 2017-03-13 23:10 MNIST\train\
文件 332800 2017-03-24 10:43 MNIST\train\Thumbs.db
文件 1515653 2015-12-11 22:38 MNIST\train\mnist_train0.jpg
文件 954272 2015-12-11 22:39 MNIST\train\mnist_train1.jpg
文件 1454486 2015-12-11 22:39 MNIST\train\mnist_train2.jpg
文件 1477826 2015-12-11 22:39 MNIST\train\mnist_train3.jpg
文件 1296588 2015-12-11 22:39 MNIST\train\mnist_train4.jpg
文件 1274317 2015-12-11 22:39 MNIST\train\mnist_train5.jpg
文件 1363050 2015-12-11 22:40 MNIST\train\mnist_train6.jpg
文件 1321363 2015-12-11 22:40 MNIST\train\mnist_train7.jpg
文件 1404324 2015-12-11 22:40 MNIST\train\mnist_train8.jpg
文件 1300644 2015-12-11 22:40 MNIST\train\mnist_train9.jpg
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