
* This file contains code from “C++ Primer Fifth Edition“ by Stanley B.
* Lippman Josee Lajoie and Barbara E. Moo and is covered under the
* copyright and warranty notices given in that book:
* “Copyright (c) 2013 by objectwrite Inc. Josee Lajoie and Barbara E. Moo.“
* “The authors and publisher have taken care in the preparation of this book
* but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assume no
* responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for
* incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising out of the
* use of the information or programs contained herein.“
* Permission is granted for this code to be used for educational purposes in
* association with the book given proper citation if and when posted or
* reproduced.Any commercial use of this code requires the explicit written
* permission of the publisher Addison-Wesley Professional a division of
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int main()
// prompt user to enter two numbers
std::cout << “Enter two numbers:“ << std::endl;
int v1 = 0 v2 = 0;
std::cin >> v1 >> v2;
std::cout << “The sum of “ << v1 << “ and “ << v2
<< “ is “ << v1 + v2 << std::endl;
return 0;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 3370 2012-08-09 16:24 6\arrRet.cpp
文件 1618 2012-08-09 16:24 6\count-calls.cpp
文件 4 2012-08-09 16:24 6\data\mainmath
文件 71 2012-08-09 16:24 6\data\refparms
文件 5265 2012-08-09 16:24 6\errMsg_initList.cpp
文件 1627 2012-08-09 16:24 6\fact.cpp
文件 2814 2012-08-09 16:24 6\fcnptrRet.cpp
文件 1848 2012-08-09 16:24 6\good_printmain.cpp
文件 1962 2012-08-09 16:24 6\inline_shorter.cpp
文件 2019 2012-08-09 16:24 6\LocalMath.cpp
文件 1635 2012-08-09 16:24 6\LocalMath.h
文件 1796 2012-08-09 16:24 6\mainmath.cpp
文件 1716 2012-08-09 16:24 6\mainret.cpp
文件 714 2012-08-09 16:24 6\makefile
文件 1737 2012-08-09 16:24 6\make_plural.h
文件 1648 2012-08-09 16:24 6\mk_plural.cpp
文件 1865 2012-08-09 16:24 6\printFcns.h
文件 305 2012-08-09 16:24 6\README.txt
文件 1735 2012-08-09 16:24 6\ref-fcn.cpp
文件 3851 2012-08-09 16:24 6\refparms.cpp
文件 1764 2012-08-09 16:24 6\refret-ex.cpp
文件 2419 2012-08-09 16:24 6\reset.cpp
文件 334 2012-08-09 16:24 6\runpgms.bat
文件 2456 2012-08-09 16:24 6\stl-arr-fcns.cpp
文件 2350 2012-08-09 16:24 6\usefcnptr.cpp
文件 1839 2012-08-09 16:24 6\use_mk_plural.cpp
文件 2790 2012-08-09 16:47 6\wdebug.cpp
文件 1594 2012-08-09 16:24 7\Account.cpp
文件 2280 2012-08-09 16:24 7\Account.h
文件 1871 2012-08-09 16:24 7\add_item.cpp
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