#include “Asset.h“
void Asset::deleteAsset ()
// deletes an Asset
string input; // buffer for line of characters
bool done = false; // tells when user is done entering information
bool found = false; // tells when an investment has been found
char choice; // for storing user‘s response
while (!found && !done)
cout << “Please enter the number of the asset to be deleted (12 digits): “;
cin >> input;
found = find (input);
if (!found)
cout << “Asset “ << input << “ was not found.\n“;
cout << “Would you like to enter another number (y/n)? “;
cin >> choice;
if (choice == ‘n‘)
done = true;
if (!found)
performDeletion ();
cout << “\nThe record has been deleted.“ << endl << endl;
cout << “Press to return to previous menu...“;
} // deleteAsset ()
void Asset::addAsset ()
// adds a new investment/mortgage
obtainNewData ();
save ();
cout << “\nThe following record was inserted:“ << endl << endl;
print ();
cout << endl << endl << “Press to return to previous menu...“;
} // addAsset ()
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 3099 2005-09-12 01:51 Mortgage.h
文件 227 2005-09-12 00:13 MortgageReport.h
文件 966 2005-09-11 14:39 OperatingExpenses.h
文件 372 2005-09-10 22:15 stdafx.h
文件 633 2005-09-11 14:24 UserInterface.h
文件 1507 2005-09-19 16:38 Asset.cpp
文件 4724 2005-09-19 16:43 AssetManager.cpp
文件 428 2005-09-19 16:26 EstimatedFundsReport.cpp
文件 989 2005-09-12 02:00 EstimateFundsForWeek.cpp
文件 8167 2005-09-19 17:27 Investment.cpp
文件 1422 2005-09-19 16:32 InvestmentReport.cpp
文件 12235 2005-09-19 17:27 Mortgage.cpp
文件 1412 2005-09-19 16:58 MortgageReport.cpp
文件 374 2005-09-11 14:16 MSG.cpp
文件 2651 2005-09-11 14:36 OperatingExpenses.cpp
文件 290 2005-08-15 23:06 stdafx.cpp
文件 7034 2005-09-12 01:58 UserInterface.cpp
文件 789 2005-09-11 23:30 Asset.h
文件 299 2005-09-12 00:14 AssetManager.h
文件 295 2005-09-11 14:41 EstimatedFundsReport.h
文件 177 2005-09-11 14:41 EstimateFundsForWeek.h
文件 1875 2005-09-11 23:30 Investment.h
文件 235 2005-09-11 14:39 InvestmentReport.h
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