c++ CMarkup解析xml 感觉还不错 分享CMarkup类
// Markup.cpp: implementation of the CMarkup class.
// Markup Release 11.5
// Copyright (C) 2011 First objective Software Inc. All rights reserved
// Go to www.firstobject.com for the latest CMarkup and EDOM documentation
// Use in commercial applications requires written permission
// This software is provided “as is“ with no warranty.
#include “Markup.h“
#if defined(MCD_STRERROR) // C error routine
#endif // C error routine
#if defined (MARKUP_ICONV)
#define x_ATTRIBQUOTE ‘\“‘ // can be double or single quote
#if defined(MARKUP_STL) && ( defined(MARKUP_WINCONV) || (! defined(MCD_STRERROR)))
#include // for MultiByteToWideChar WideCharToMultiByte FormatMessage
#endif // need windows.h when STL and (not setlocale or not strerror) MFC afx.h includes it already
#if defined(MARKUP_MBCS) // MBCS/double byte
#pragma message( “Note: MBCS build (not UTF-8)“ )
// For UTF-8 remove MBCS from project settings C/C++ preprocessor definitions
#if defined (MARKUP_WINCONV)
#include // for VC++ _mbclen
#endif // WINCONV
#endif // MBCS/double byte
#if defined(_DEBUG) && _MSC_VER > 1000 // VC++ DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#if defined(DEBUG_NEW)
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#endif // DEBUG_NEW
#endif // VC++ DEBUG
// Disable “while ( 1 )“ warning in VC++ 2002
#if _MSC_VER >= 1300 // VC++ 2002 (7.0)
#pragma warning(disable:4127)
#endif // VC++ 2002 (7.0)
// Internal static utility functions
void x_StrInsertReplace( MCD_STR& str int nLeft int nReplace const MCD_STR& strInsert )
// Insert strInsert into str at nLeft replacing nReplace chars
// Reduce reallocs on growing string by reserving string space
// If realloc needed allow for 1.5 times the new length
int nStrLength = MCD_STRLENGTH(str);
int nInsLength = MCD_STRLENGTH(strInsert);
int nNewLength = nInsLength + nStrLength - nReplace;
int nAllocLen = MCD_STRCAPACITY(str);
#if defined(MCD_STRINSERTREPLACE) // STL replace method
if ( nNewLength > nAllocLen )
MCD_BLDRESERVE( str (nNewLength + nNewLength/2 + 128) );
MCD_STRINSERTREPLACE( str nLeft nReplace strInsert );
#else // MFC no replace method
int nBufferLen = nNewLength;
if ( nNewLength > nAllocLen )
nBufferLen += nBufferLen/2 + 128;
MCD_CHAR* pDoc = MCD_GETBUFFER( str nBufferLen );
if ( nInsLength != nReplace && nLeft+nReplace < nStrLength )
memmove( &pDoc[nLeft+nInsLength] &pDoc[nLeft+nReplace] (nStrLength-nLeft-nReplace)*sizeof(MCD_CHAR) );
if ( nInsLength )
memcpy( &pDoc[nLeft] strInsert nInsLength*sizeof(MCD_CHAR) );
MCD_RELEASEBUFFER( str pDoc nNewLength );
#endif // MFC no replace method
int x_Hash( MCD_PCSZ p int nSize )
unsigned int n=0;
while (*p)
n += (unsigned int)(*p++);
return n % nSize;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 176798 2011-04-17 21:06 CMark类\Markup.cpp
文件 20033 2011-04-17 21:06 CMark类\Markup.h
目录 0 2013-10-24 16:37 CMark类
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
196831 3
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