C++ 矩阵类 实现常用的矩阵操作。例如,矩阵加法,数乘,矩阵乘法,获取子式等操作
// Matrix.cpp: implementation of the CMatrix class.
#include “stdafx.h“
#include “Matrix.h“
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// Construction/Destruction CMatrix
IMPLEMENT_SERIAL(CMatrix Cobject 1) ;
#ifdef _DEBUG
int CMatrix::m_NextobjectNumber = 1 ;
#ifdef _DEBUG
// so we can regonise each individual object
m_objectNumber = m_NextobjectNumber++ ;
TRACE(“Creating CMatrix object %1d - default constructor\n“ m_objectNumber) ;
// default constructor create a 1 * 1 array
m_NumColumns = 1 ;
m_NumRows = 1 ;
m_pData = NULL ;
m_pData = AllocateMemory(m_NumColumns m_NumRows) ;
IncrementReferenceCount() ; // count the reference to this memory
CMatrix::CMatrix(const CMatrix &other)
#ifdef _DEBUG
// so we can regonise each individual object
m_objectNumber = m_NextobjectNumber++ ;
TRACE(“Creating CMatrix object %1d - copy constructor other = %1d\n“ m_objectNumber other.m_objectNumber) ;
// copy constructor
m_pData = NULL ;
// use the other objects data pointer
m_NumColumns = other.m_NumColumns ;
m_NumRows = other.m_NumRows ;
m_pData = other.m_pData ; // copy the pointer
IncrementReferenceCount() ; // this thread can get the mutex multiple times without blocking
CMatrix::CMatrix(int nCols int nRows)
#ifdef _DEBUG
// so we can regonise each individual object
m_objectNumber = m_NextobjectNumber++ ;
TRACE(“Creating CMatrix object %1d - size constructor\n“ m_objectNumber) ;
// size constructor
ASSERT(nCols > 0) ; // matrix size error
ASSERT(nRows > 0) ; // matrix size error
m_pData = NULL ;
m_NumColumns = nCols ;
m_NumRows = nRows ;
m_pData = AllocateMemory(m_NumColumns m_NumRows) ;
IncrementReferenceCount() ; // count the reference to this memory
CMatrix::CMatrix(int size bool set_diagonal)
// construct a square matrix with 1.0‘s on the diagonal if required
#ifdef _DEBUG
// so we can regonise each individual object
m_objectNumber = m_NextobjectNumber++ ;
TRACE(“Creating CMatrix object %1d - square size constructor\n“ m_objectNumber) ;
// size constructor
ASSERT(size > 0) ; // matrix size error
m_pData = NULL ;
m_NumColumns = size ;
m_NumRows = size ;
m_pData = AllocateMemory(m_NumColumns m_NumRows) ;
IncrementReferenceCount() ; // count the reference to this memory
// set the dialognal if required
if (set_diagonal)
for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i)
SetElement(i i 1.0) ;
// creates a CMatrix object from a SafeArray that contains a 2D matrix
// Note that you will probably have to call “VariantClear“ to correctly de-allocate
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 35902 2011-10-21 11:45 MyMatrix.cpp
文件 8674 2011-10-19 14:20 MyMatrix.h
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