// amera.cpp: implementation of the Camera class.
#include “stdafx.h“
#include “FastRBF.h“
#include “amera.h“
using std::swap;
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// Radius of trackball
#define TRACKBALL_R 0.85f
// Initial field of view of the camera
#define DEFAULT_FOV 0.8284271f
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
// Construction/Destruction
// Initialize parameters of the camera to the usual
// (i.e. at origin looking down negative Z axis etc.)
void Camera::Init()
pos[0] = homepos[0] = savepos[0] = 0;
pos[1] = homepos[1] = savepos[1] = 0;
pos[2] = homepos[2] = savepos[2] = 0;
rot = homerot = saverot = 0;
rotaxis[0] = homerotaxis[0] = saverotaxis[0] = 0;
rotaxis[1] = homerotaxis[1] = saverotaxis[1] = 0;
rotaxis[2] = homerotaxis[2] = saverotaxis[2] = 1;
fov = homefov = savefov = DEFAULT_FOV;
// Set the “home“ position of the camera
void Camera::SetHome(const float *_pos
float _rot
const float *_rotaxis
float _fov)
homepos[0] = _pos[0]; homepos[1] = _pos[1]; homepos[2] = _pos[2];
homerot = _rot;
homerotaxis[0] = _rotaxis[0]; homerotaxis[1] = _rotaxis[1]; homerotaxis[2] = _rotaxis[2];
homefov = _fov;
// Set the “home“ position of the camera by reading it from a .xf file that
// specifies a transformation matrix
bool Camera::SetHome(const char *filename)
FILE *f = fopen(filename “r“);
if (!f)
return false;
float M[16];
for (int i=0; i < 4; i++)
for (int j=0; j < 4; j++)
fscanf(f “%f“ M+i+4*j);
// Matrix -> Quat from GGems IV III.4 (Ken Shoemake)
// and Xform.h (Kari Pulli)
quat q;
float tr = M[0] + M[5] + M[10];
if (tr >= 0.0f) {
float s = sqrtf(tr + M[15]);
q[0] = s * 0.5f;
s = 0.5f / s;
q[1] = (M[4*1+2] - M[4*2+1]) * s;
q[2] = (M[4*2+0] - M[4*0+2]) * s;
q[3] = (M[4*0+1] - M[4*1+0]) * s;
} else {
int i=0;
if (M[5] > M[0])
i = 1;
if (M[10] > M[5*i])
i = 2;
int j = (i+1) % 3;
int k = (j+1) % 3;
float s = sqrtf(M[15] + M[5*i] - M[5*j] - M[5*k]);
q[i+1] = 0.5f * s;
s = 0.5f / s;
q[j+1] = (M[4*i+j] + M[4*j+i]) * s;
q[0] = (M[4*j+k] - M[4*k+j]) * s;
q[k+1] = (M[4*k+i] + M[4*i+k]) * s;
Q2RotAndAxis(q homerot homerotaxis);
homepos[0] = -(M[12]*M[0] + M[13]*M[4] + M[14]*M[8]);
homepos[1] = -(M[12]*M[1] + M[13]*M[5] + M[14]*M[9]);
homepos[2] = -(M[12]*M[2] + M[13]*M[6] + M[14]*M[10]);
homefov = DEFAULT_FOV;
return true;
// Reset the camera to the “home“ position
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2005-06-13 15:11 RBFInpainting
文件 9762 2004-02-27 22:08 RBFInpainting\amera.cpp
文件 1712 2004-02-27 22:04 RBFInpainting\amera.h
文件 4676 2004-03-11 11:20 RBFInpainting\AxisKdTree.cpp
文件 2692 2004-03-11 11:19 RBFInpainting\AxisKdTree.h
文件 345474 2004-02-28 21:55 RBFInpainting\background.bmp
文件 9829 2004-03-12 18:51 RBFInpainting\BallController.cpp
文件 4822 2004-03-12 18:50 RBFInpainting\BallController.h
文件 22386 2004-03-10 14:47 RBFInpainting\Bloomenthal.cpp
文件 7949 2003-11-29 15:24 RBFInpainting\Bloomenthal.h
文件 34398 2004-03-17 20:28 RBFInpainting\BMPImage.cpp
文件 2144 2004-03-17 19:19 RBFInpainting\BMPImage.h
文件 1477 2003-11-24 14:23 RBFInpainting\ChildFrm.cpp
文件 1329 2003-11-24 14:22 RBFInpainting\ChildFrm.h
文件 71273 2004-04-02 13:58 RBFInpainting\Dib.cpp
文件 6800 2004-04-02 13:58 RBFInpainting\Dib.h
文件 28646 2004-03-30 15:46 RBFInpainting\ell.cpp
文件 2337 2004-03-30 15:46 RBFInpainting\ell.h
文件 51660 2005-06-03 00:45 RBFInpainting\FastRBF.aps
文件 5334 2005-06-03 00:52 RBFInpainting\FastRBF.clw
文件 4651 2004-05-25 21:11 RBFInpainting\FastRBF.cpp
文件 7096 2005-03-28 16:31 RBFInpainting\FastRBF.dsp
文件 838 2005-03-28 16:22 RBFInpainting\FastRBF.dsw
文件 1397 2004-03-13 11:29 RBFInpainting\FastRBF.h
文件 984064 2005-06-03 00:52 RBFInpainting\FastRBF.ncb
文件 269824 2005-06-03 00:52 RBFInpainting\FastRBF.opt
文件 1419 2005-06-03 00:45 RBFInpainting\FastRBF.plg
文件 16883 2005-06-03 00:45 RBFInpainting\FastRBF.rc
文件 32753 2004-04-10 10:06 RBFInpainting\FastRBFDoc.cpp
文件 3485 2004-04-09 17:12 RBFInpainting\FastRBFDoc.h
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