c++ code for drawing arrows in any CDC
#include “Arrow.h“
// ArrowTo()
void ArrowTo(HDC hDC int x int y ARROWSTRUCT *pA) {
POINT ptTo = {x y};
ArrowTo(hDC &ptTo pA);
// ArrowTo()
void ArrowTo(HDC hDC const POINT *lpTo ARROWSTRUCT *pA) {
POINT pFrom;
POINT pbase;
POINT aptPoly[3];
float vecLine[2];
float vecLeft[2];
float fLength;
float th;
float ta;
// get from point
MoveToEx(hDC 0 0 &pFrom);
// set to point
aptPoly[0].x = lpTo->x;
aptPoly[0].y = lpTo->y;
// build the line vector
vecLine[0] = (float) aptPoly[0].x - pFrom.x;
vecLine[1] = (float) aptPoly[0].y - pFrom.y;
// build the arrow base vector - normal to the line
vecLeft[0] = -vecLine[1];
vecLeft[1] = vecLine[0];
// setup length parameters
fLength = (float) sqrt(vecLine[0] * vecLine[0] + vecLine[1] * vecLine[1]);
th = pA->nWidth / (2.0f * fLength);
ta = pA->nWidth / (2.0f * (tanf(pA->fTheta) / 2.0f) * fLength);
// find the base of the arrow
pbase.x = (int) (aptPoly[0].x + -ta * vecLine[0]);
pbase.y = (int) (aptPoly[0].y + -ta * vecLine[1]);
// build the points on the sides of the arrow
aptPoly[1].x = (int) (pbase.x + th * vecLeft[0]);
aptPoly[1].y = (int) (pbase.y + th * vecLeft[1]);
aptPoly[2].x = (int) (pbase.x + -th * vecLeft[0]);
aptPoly[2].y = (int) (pbase.y + -th * vecLeft[1]);
MoveToEx(hDC pFrom.x pFrom.y NULL);
// draw we‘re fillin‘...
if(pA->bFill) {
LineTo(hDC aptPoly[0].x aptPoly[0].y);
Polygon(hDC aptPoly 3);
// ... or even jes chillin‘...
else {
LineTo(hDC pbase.x pbase.y);
LineTo(hDC aptPoly[1].x aptPoly[1].y);
LineTo(hDC aptPoly[0].x aptPoly[0].y);
LineTo(hDC aptPoly[2].x aptPoly[2].y);
LineTo(hDC pbase.x pbase.y);
MoveToEx(hDC aptPoly[0].x aptPoly[0].y NULL);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1831 2002-12-01 14:29 Arrow.cpp
文件 743 2002-12-01 14:28 Arrow.h
文件 3726 2002-12-01 12:59 ArrowTest.cpp
文件 4664 2002-12-01 14:26 ArrowTest.dsp
文件 541 2002-12-01 12:59 ArrowTest.dsw
文件 1400 2002-12-01 12:59 ArrowTest.h
文件 8739 2002-12-01 12:59 ArrowTest.rc
文件 1721 2002-12-01 14:29 ChildView.cpp
文件 1267 2002-12-01 12:59 ChildView.h
文件 3286 2002-12-01 12:59 MainFrm.cpp
文件 1744 2002-12-01 12:59 MainFrm.h
目录 0 2002-12-01 12:59 res\
文件 1078 2002-12-01 12:59 res\ArrowTest.ico
文件 401 2002-12-01 12:59 res\ArrowTest.rc2
文件 718 2002-12-01 12:59 res\Toolbar.bmp
文件 497 2002-12-01 12:59 Resource.h
文件 211 2002-12-01 12:59 StdAfx.cpp
文件 1054 2002-12-01 12:59 StdAfx.h
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