* sha1.cpp
* Copyright (C) 1998
* Paul E. Jones
* All Rights Reserved.
* $Id: sha1.cppv 1.9 2004/03/27 18:02:20 paulej Exp $
* Description:
* This class implements the Secure Hashing Standard as defined
* in FIPS PUB 180-1 published April 17 1995.
* The Secure Hashing Standard which uses the Secure Hashing
* Algorithm (SHA) produces a 160-bit message digest for a
* given data stream. In theory it is highly improbable that
* two messages will produce the same message digest. Therefore
* this algorithm can serve as a means of providing a “fingerprint“
* for a message.
* Portability Issues:
* SHA-1 is defined in terms of 32-bit “words“. This code was
* written with the expectation that the processor has at least
* a 32-bit machine word size. If the machine word size is larger
* the code should still function properly. One caveat to that
* is that the input functions taking characters and character arrays
* assume that only 8 bits of information are stored in each character.
* Caveats:
* SHA-1 is designed to work with messages less than 2^64 bits long.
* Although SHA-1 allows a message digest to be generated for
* messages of any number of bits less than 2^64 this implementation
* only works with messages with a length that is a multiple of 8
* bits.
#include “sha1.h“
void SHA1::SHAInit()
Length_Low = 0;
Length_High = 0;
Message_Block_Index = 0;
H[0] = 0x67452301;
H[1] = 0xEFCDAB89;
H[2] = 0x98BADCFE;
H[3] = 0x10325476;
H[4] = 0xC3D2E1F0;
// space of lpSHACode_Output must be >= 20 bytes;
bool SHA1::SHA_GO( const char *lpData_Input char *lpSHACode_Output )
if (lpData_Input == NULL || lpSHACode_Output == NULL)
return false;
// One times analyse 64Bytes 512 bits.
int nInputLen = strlen(lpData_Input);
int nDealDataLen = 0; // the length of can-deal-data this times;
for(int pos=0 ; pos<=nInputLen ; pos+=64)
if (nInputLen - pos >= 64)
nDealDataLen = 64; // input-data is enough fill 64bytes
memset(Message_Block 0 sizeof(Message_Block));
memcpy(Message_Block lpData_Input + pos nDealDataLen);
nDealDataLen = nInputLen - pos; // input-data isn‘t enough fill 64bytesneed fill 0x8000000000 and lenth of real-data.
memset(Message_Block 0 sizeof(Message_Block));
memcpy(Message_Block lpData_Input + pos nDealDataLen);
// copy result to output
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2648 2009-04-20 18:08 sha1.h
文件 7797 2009-04-20 17:58 sha1.cpp
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10445 2
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