容积点一次生成后,可以一直使用,通过对50维G-轨迹的生成速度(Core T6600@2.2GHz)进行测试,包含数据读写在内的速度约为1.5秒,速度尚可。而目前为止,本人尚未遇到达到甚至超过50维的系统,因此,暂时不作算法层面的优化。
References (you may cite one of the articles in your paper):
[1] X. C. Zhang, C. J. Guo, "Cubature Kalman filters: Derivation and extension," Chinses Physics B, vol.22, no.12, 128401, DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/22/12/128401
[2] X. C. Zhang, Y. L. Teng, "A new derivation of the cubature Kalman filters," Asian Journal of Control, DOI: 10.1002/asjc.926
[3] X. C. Zhang, "Cubature information filters using high-degree and embedded cubature rules," Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing,vol.33, no.6,pp.1799-1818,DOI: 10.1007/s00034-013-9730-0
function [x P] = Fifth_degree_CKF(xhat Pplus z)
global Q R T m kesi_5 b_5 w2_5 w_5 w4_5;
%% --------------------------5th-degree CKF-----------------------
%% ---------------------------Time Update-------------------------
% Evaluate the Cholesky factor
Shat = chol(Pplus ‘lower‘);
for cpoint = 1 : b_5
% Evaluate thecubature points
rjpoint_5(: cpoint) = Shat * kesi_5(: cpoint) + xhat;
% Evaluate the propagated cubature points
fai3 = [1 sin(rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) * T) / rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) 0 -(1 - ...
cos(rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) * T)) / rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) 0;
0 cos(rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) * T) 0 -sin(rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) * T) 0;
0 (1 - cos(rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) * T)) / rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) 1 ...
sin(rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) * T) / rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) 0;
0 sin(rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) * T) 0 cos(rjpoint_5(5 cpoint) * T) 0;
0 0 0 0 1];
Xminus_5(: cpoint) = fai3 * rjpoint_5(: cpoint);
% Estimate the predicted state
xminus_5 = w2_5 * Xminus_5(: 1) + w_5 * sum(Xminus_5(: 2 : m + 1) 2) + ...
w4_5 * sum(Xminus_5(: m + 2 : b_5) 2);
% Estimate the predicted error covariance
Pminus_5 = Q + w2_5 * (Xminus_5(: 1) - xminus_5) * (Xminus_5(: 1) - xminus_5)‘...
+ w_5 * (Xminus_5(: 2 : m + 1) - repmat(xminus_5 1 m)) * ...
(Xminus_5(: 2 : m + 1) - repmat(xminus_5 1 m))‘ + ...
w4_5 * (Xminus_5(: m + 2 : b_5) - repmat(xminus_5 1 b_5 - m - 1)) ...
* (Xminus_5(: m + 2 : b_5) - repmat(xminus_5 1 b_5 - m - 1))‘;
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------
%% -------------------------Measurement Update--------------------
% Evaluate the Cholesky factor
Sminus_5 = chol(Pminus_5 ‘lower‘);
for cpoint = 1 : b_5
% Evaluate the cubature points
rjpoint1_5(: cpoint) = Sminus_5 * kesi_5(: cpoint) + xminus_5;
%Evaluate the propagated cubature points
Z_5(: cpoint) = [sqrt(rjpoint1_5(1 cpoint) ^ 2 + rjpoint1_5(3 cpoint) ^ 2) ...
atan(rjpoint1_5(3 cpoint) / rjpoint1_5(1 cpoint))]‘;
% Estimate the predicted measurement
zhat_5 = w2_5 * Z_5(: 1) + w_5 * sum(Z_5(: 2 : m + 1) 2) + w4_5 * ...
sum(Z_5(: m + 2 : b_5) 2);
% Estimate the innovation covariance matrix
Pzminus_5 = R + w2_5 * (Z_5(: 1) - zhat_5) * (Z_5(: 1) - zhat_5)‘ + ...
w_5 * (Z_5(: 2 : m + 1) - repmat(zhat_5 1 m)) * (Z_5(: 2 : m + 1) ...
- repmat(zhat_5 1 m))‘+ w4_5 * (Z_5(: m + 2 : b_5) - ...
repmat(zhat_5 1 b_5 - m - 1)) * (Z_5(: m + 2 : b_5) - repmat(zhat_5 1 b_5 - m - 1))‘;
% Estimate the cross-covariance matrix
Pxzminus_5 = w2_5 * (rjpoint1_5(: 1) - xminus_5) * (Z_5(: 1) - zhat_5)‘ + ...
w_5 * (rjpoint1_5(: 2 : m + 1) - repmat(xminus_5 1 m)) * ...
(Z_5(: 2 : m + 1) - repmat(zhat_5 1 m))‘...
+ w4_5 * (rjpoint1_5(: m + 2 : b_5) - repmat(xminus_5 1 b_5 - m - 1)) ...
* (Z_5(: m + 2 : b_5) - repmat(zhat_5 1 b_5 - m - 1))‘;
% Estimate th
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 3274 2014-06-21 14:47 Target tracking\Fifth_degree_CKF.m
文件 1092608 2014-06-21 15:08 Target tracking\Perms.exe
文件 925 2013-01-23 11:16 Target tracking\rms.m
文件 2188 2014-06-21 14:46 Target tracking\Three_degree_CKF.m
文件 7034 2014-06-21 15:00 Target tracking\TR_Main.m
目录 0 2014-06-21 15:09 Target tracking
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
1106029 6
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