* Convolution encodingdecoding and BER calculating(hard decisioncode rate 1/2constraint length 3-8arbitrary generate sequence)
* 2018.10.9
* 2018.11.17
* revise Gaussian function(old function has error)
#include “convolution_code.h“
int main()
int ijkq; //loop variable
int temp;
FILE * fp; //file pointer
fp = fopen(“err_rate.txt““w“); //create or open file
int frame = 5000; //frame number
float err_rate[RANGE]err_bit = 0; //error bits numberserror rates in different EbN0
srand(time(NULL)); //random seed
initial_set(); //set constrain length and generate sequence
state_transition(); //Calculating state transition diagram
setEbN0(); //set EbN0
//generate state contrast decoder table
for(i = 0;i < state_num;i++)
temp = (i + state_num)/2;
compare_table[i/2][i] = 0;
compare_table[temp][i] = 1;
//different EbN0
for(j = 0;j < RANGE;j++)
//repeat frame times
for(k = 0;k < frame;k++)
binaryrand(binary_array); //generate binary sequence
convcode(binary_arraygen_seq1conv_out1); //carry out convolution
convcode(binary_arraygen_seq2conv_out2); //carry out convolution
mergeconv(conv_out1conv_out2conv_out); //merge data
//BPSK modulation and generate Gaussian noise
for(i = 0;i < 2*(NUM + constraint_length - 1);i++)
if(conv_out[i] == 0) //BPSK modulation
conv_out[i] = -1;
gaussian[i] = 1/sqrt(2)*gaussianrand(); //Gaussian noise
gauss_out[i] = conv_out[i] + pow(10-EcN0[j]/20.0)*gaussian[i]; //BPSK modulation with noise
hard_decision(gauss_out); //hard decision
for(i = 0;i < NUM + constraint_length - 1;i++)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2019-06-27 11:07 cc_code_comparetable_hard\
目录 0 2019-06-27 11:07 cc_code_comparetable_hard\bin\
目录 0 2019-06-27 11:07 cc_code_comparetable_hard\bin\Debug\
文件 44876 2018-11-17 14:48 cc_code_comparetable_hard\bin\Debug\cc_code.exe
文件 1116 2018-10-10 22:39 cc_code_comparetable_hard\cc_code.cbp
文件 934 2018-10-15 22:25 cc_code_comparetable_hard\cc_code.depend
文件 552 2018-11-17 14:48 cc_code_comparetable_hard\cc_code.layout
文件 2876 2018-10-15 18:29 cc_code_comparetable_hard\convolution_code.h
文件 0 2018-10-15 22:25 cc_code_comparetable_hard\err_rate.txt
文件 17226 2018-11-17 14:48 cc_code_comparetable_hard\main.c
目录 0 2019-06-27 11:07 cc_code_comparetable_hard\obj\
目录 0 2019-06-27 11:07 cc_code_comparetable_hard\obj\Debug\
文件 17321 2018-11-17 14:48 cc_code_comparetable_hard\obj\Debug\main.o
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