DLT 全称Direct Linear Transformation
这个资源是Matlab版本 获取相机参数 (C/C++版本的也实现了 但是没有在这个资源里, 想要的童鞋可以联系我)
% [New_ANew_R_t]=My_DLT_Fcn(Imag_cornerWorld_points)%
% **************************************************************
% ******* 用一个单视图共点的点来校准摄像机 *******
% **************************************************************
% 8/5/2013 Joseph Chen
% 1240803839@qq.com cgw@xjtu.edu.cn
% Input: Imag_corner is a N*2 vector while world_points is a N*3 vector
% every row of the related two vector must refer to the same point
% 备注: Xf Yf xw yw zw 都是列向量
% (Xd Yd) 由于镜头畸变,实际的图像坐标与(XuYu)不同
% (Xf Yf) is the coordinate used in the computer is the number of
% pixels for the discrete image in the frame memory 坐标系用来计算
% R 是一个3*3的旋转矩阵
% = [r1 r2 r3; r4 r5 r6; r7 r8 r9]; (2)
% [x y z]‘ = R * [xw yw zw]‘ + T (1)
% T 这是一个平移向量
% = [Tx Ty Tz]‘ (3)
% f 是有效的焦距
% Dx = Xd*( k1*r^2 + k2*r^4 + ... ) P327
% Xd+Dx=Xu (5a)
% Dy = Yd*( k1*r^2 + k2*r^4 + ... ) P327
% Yd+Dy=Yu (5b)
% r = (Xd^2 + Yd^2)^(0.5) P327
% k1 是畸变系数
% Xf = sx * dxp^(-1) * Xd + Cx (6a)
% Yf = dy^(-1) * Yd + Cy (6b)
% dxp = dx * Ncx / Nfx (6d)
% dx is the center to center distance between adjacent sensor elements in X (scan line) diretion
% dy is the center to center distance between adjacent CCD sensor in the Y direction
% Ncx is the number of sensor elements in the X direction
% Nfx is the number of pixels in a line as sampled by the computer
% sx 不确定性图像尺度因子
% X = (Xd * Nfx) / (dx * Ncx) P328
% X = Xf - Cx P328
% Y = Yf - Cy P328
% s_x^(-1) * d_x‘ * X + s_z^(-1) * d_x‘ * X * k1 * r^2 = f*x/z (7a)
% d_x‘ * Y + d_y * Y * k1 * r^2 = f * y/z (7b)
% r = ( ( s_x^(-1)*d_x‘* X )^2 + (d_x * Y)^2 )^(0.5)
% s_x^(-1)*d_x‘* X + s_x^(-1) * d_x‘* X * k1 * r^2 = f*( r1*x_w + r2 * y_w + r3 * z_w +
% T_x) / (r7 * x_w + r8 * y_w + r9 * z_w + Tz) (8a)
% dy * Y + dy * Y * k1 * r^2 = f * (r1 * x_w + r2 * y_w + r3 * z_w +
% Tx) / (r7*xw + r8*yw + r9*zw +Tz) (8b)
% Since the calibration points are on a common plane the (xw yw zw) coordinate system can be chosen such that zw=0 and the
% corigin is not lose to the center of the view or y axis of t
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 4936 2017-09-04 19:54 DLT(matlab版本)\My_DLT_Fcn.m
文件 1826 2017-08-28 10:02 DLT(matlab版本)\testPoint.mat
目录 0 2017-09-06 10:53 DLT(matlab版本)
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