TS 码流分析,C语言实现。适合初学入门。
/* display.c X11 interface */
/* Copyright (C) 1996 MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
* Disclaimer of Warranty
* These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
* royalty on an “as is“ basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
* any and all warranties whether express implied or statuary including any
* implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
* purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
* incidental punitive or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
* arising from the use of these programs.
* This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user‘s
* customers employees agents transferees successors and assigns.
* The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
* programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
* patents.
* Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video including shareware
* are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
* general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
* design.
#ifdef DISPLAY
/* the Xlib interface is closely modeled after
* mpeg_play 2.0 by the Berkeley Plateau Research Group
#include “config.h“
#include “global.h“
/* private prototypes */
static void Display_Image _ANSI_ARGS_((XImage *Ximage_Ptr unsigned char *Dithered_Image));
static void Dither_frame _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *src[]));
static void Dither_Top_Field _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *src[] unsigned char *dst));
static void Dither_Bottom_Field _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *src[] unsigned char *dst));
static void Dither_Top_Field420 _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *src[]
unsigned char *dst));
static void Dither_Bottom_Field420 _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *src[]
unsigned char *dst));
/* local data */
static unsigned char *Dithered_Image *Dithered_Image2;
static unsigned char Y_Table[256+16];
static unsigned char Cb_Table[128+16];
static unsigned char Cr_Table[128+16];
/* X11 related variables */
static Display *Display_Ptr;
static Window Window_Instance;
static GC GC_Instance;
static XImage *Ximage_Ptr *Ximage_Ptr2;
static unsigned char Pixel[256];
#ifdef SH_MEM
static int HandleXError _ANSI_ARGS_((Display *dpy XErrorEvent *event));
static void InstallXErrorHandler _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
static void DeInstallXErrorHandler _ANSI_ARGS_((void));
static int Shmem_Flag;
static XShmSegmentInfo Shminfo1 Shminfo2;
static int gXErrorFlag;
static int CompletionType = -1;
static int HandleXError(Dpy Event)
Display *Dpy;
XErrorEvent *Event;
gXErrorFlag = 1;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 6708 1994-06-29 10:57 入门\doc\ARCHITECTURE
文件 85 1994-07-05 10:23 入门\doc\BUGS
文件 4313 1994-07-05 10:22 入门\doc\CHANGES.decoder
文件 3381 1994-07-05 09:39 入门\doc\CHANGES.encoder
文件 90659 1994-07-01 05:31 入门\doc\FAQ
文件 7718 1994-06-27 17:36 入门\doc\mpeg2dec.doc
文件 24606 1994-06-27 17:17 入门\doc\mpeg2enc.doc
文件 2668 1994-06-29 11:58 入门\Makefile
文件 192 1994-05-14 14:10 入门\par\inter.mat
文件 192 1994-05-14 14:08 入门\par\intra.mat
文件 3004 1994-07-05 09:24 入门\par\MPEG-1.par
文件 3022 2003-09-16 00:36 入门\par\MY_NTSC.par
文件 3021 2003-09-16 00:31 入门\par\MY_NTSC.par.bak
文件 3025 2003-07-05 08:21 入门\par\NTSC.par
文件 3027 2003-07-05 08:10 入门\par\NTSC.par.bak
文件 3003 1994-07-05 09:25 入门\par\PAL.par
文件 9521 1994-07-05 09:30 入门\README
文件 2747 1996-07-20 20:04 入门\src\mpeg2dec\CHANGES
文件 1539 1996-01-10 09:02 入门\src\mpeg2dec\config.h
文件 33673 1996-01-04 19:05 入门\src\mpeg2dec\display.c
文件 1488 1996-01-10 09:26 入门\src\mpeg2dec\EXAMPLES
文件 4388 1996-01-01 00:59 入门\src\mpeg2dec\getbits.c
文件 12737 1996-07-20 19:43 入门\src\mpeg2dec\getblk.c
文件 29545 1996-07-20 19:42 入门\src\mpeg2dec\gethdr.c
文件 34140 2003-07-04 23:55 入门\src\mpeg2dec\getpic.c
文件 15484 1996-07-20 19:47 入门\src\mpeg2dec\getvlc.c
文件 20126 1996-01-10 09:02 入门\src\mpeg2dec\getvlc.h
文件 13960 2003-09-21 08:09 入门\src\mpeg2dec\global.h
文件 5757 1996-01-10 09:02 入门\src\mpeg2dec\idct.c
文件 4850 1994-06-20 06:04 入门\src\mpeg2dec\idctf.c
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