//Download by http://www.NewXing.com
// dibapi.cpp
// Source file for Device-Independent Bitmap (DIB) API. Provides
// the following functions:
// PaintDIB() - Painting routine for a DIB
// CreateDIBPalette() - Creates a palette from a DIB
// FindDIBBits() - Returns a pointer to the DIB bits
// DIBWidth() - Gets the width of the DIB
// DIBHeight() - Gets the height of the DIB
// PaletteSize() - Gets the size required to store the DIB‘s palette
// DIBNumColors() - Calculates the number of colors
// in the DIB‘s color table
// CopyHandle() - Makes a copy of the given global memory block
// This is a part of the Microsoft Foundation Classes C++ library.
// Copyright (C) 1992-1997 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is only intended as a supplement to the
// Microsoft Foundation Classes Reference and related
// electronic documentation provid
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
....... 36 2004-06-29 23:43 www.NewXing.com\12\图像平移\readme.txt
....... 49 2004-08-04 13:43 www.NewXing.com\3\二值化变换\readme.txt
....... 70 2004-08-04 13:40 www.NewXing.com\24\图像细化\readme.txt
....... 96 2004-08-04 13:44 www.NewXing.com\5\亮度增减\readme.txt
....... 136 2004-08-04 13:39 www.NewXing.com\23\方块编码\readme.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\1\256色转灰度图\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\11\图像镜像\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\12\图像平移\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\13\图像缩放\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\14\图像旋转\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\15\高斯平滑\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\16\均值滤波\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\17\拉普拉斯锐化(边缘检测)\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\18\梯度锐化\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\19\中值滤波\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\2\对比度拉伸\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\20\离散余弦变换\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\21\傅立叶变换\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\22\Walsh变换\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\23\方块编码\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\24\图像细化\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\3\二值化变换\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\4\反色\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\5\亮度增减\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\6\取对数\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\7\取指数\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 4287 2004-05-20 14:25 www.NewXing.com\8\直方图均衡\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 5009 1995-08-03 13:28 www.NewXing.com\25\用Canny算子提取边缘\源代码\ReadMe.txt
....... 5332 2004-07-20 22:06 www.NewXing.com\26\Hough变换\Hough变换.txt
....... 1410 2004-07-20 21:41 www.NewXing.com\9\灰度均衡\灰度均衡.txt
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