#include “cv.h“
#include “highgui.h“
//cxcore.lib cv.lib ml.lib cvaux.lib highgui.lib cvcam.lib
#ifdef _EiC
#define WIN32
//#define NUM_SAMPLES_MAX 501
#define NUM_SAMPLES_MAX 7000
#define Sample_W 19
#define Sample_H 19
int Image_Mg[2000][2000];
int every_haarfeature_value[NUM_SAMPLES_MAX];//全局数组变量用来保存所有样本的每个特征值,用于Cal_Allsamples_Featurej函数
typedef struct HaarFeature //一个HaarFeature对应于一个弱分类器
int N;
int kind; //kind=1、2、3、4、5分别对应论文中的五种haar特征
CvRect r;
int threshold; //弱分类器阈值
int p; //不等号方向
double we; //权重错误率
//float e; //弱分类器对所有样本的分类错误率
//int n; //实际样本数量
//int Samples_FeatureValue[NUM_SAMPLES_MAX]; //用来保存所有样本的特征值
//int Sorted_Value[NUM_SAMPLES_MAX]; //所有样本排序后的特征值
double btt ; //
//char hy[NUM_SAMPLES_MAX];
HaarFeature Haarfeatures[78500];
int num_features=0;
typedef struct SimpleHaarFeature //一个HaarFeature对应于一个弱分类器
int kind; //kind=1、2、3、4、5分别对应论文中的五种haar特征
CvRect r;
int threshold; //弱分类器阈值
int p; //不等号方向
double we; //权重错误率
//float e; //弱分类器对所有样本的分类错误率
typedef struct Ex_IplImage
IplImage * image;
//CvMat * Mg;
int Mg[Sample_W + 1][Sample_H + 1]; //used to keep jifen of grey pixel
int N; //the image‘s number in all samples
int Y; //sign for positive of face or not
int F; //the feature valuebe used to sort
double W; //the image‘s weight
int IsFalseDetected;
Ex_IplImage Samples[NUM_SAMPLES_MAX];
int num_samples;
typedef struct NYFW
int N; //the image‘s number in all samples
int Y; //sign for positive of face or not
int F; //the feature value
double W; //the image‘s weight
/* a boosted battery of classifiers(=stage classifier):
the stage classifier returns 1
if the sum of the classifiers‘ responces
is greater than threshold and 0 otherwise */
typedef struct HaarStageClassifier
int count; /* number of classifiers in the battery */
double threshold; /* threshold for the boosted classifier */
HaarFeature classifier[WEAKCLASSIFIER_NUM_MAX]; /* array of classifiers pointer*/
double alphat[WEAKCLASSIFIER_NUM_MAX]; // array of at for every chassifier
/* these fields are used for organizing trees of stage classifiers
rather than just stright cascades */
int next;
int child;
int parent;
typedef struct CvAvgComp
CvRect rect; //bounding rectangle for the object (average rectangle of a group)
int neighbors; // number of neighbor rectangles in the group
void Output_Haarfeature(int i)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 208100 2011-03-17 21:20 Rapid_ob
文件 102551 2011-06-07 14:47 pain.cpp
文件 36435 2011-05-07 15:34 MIT人脸库\face\face.txt
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00001.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00002.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00003.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00004.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00005.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00006.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00007.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00008.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00009.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00010.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00011.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00012.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00013.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00014.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00015.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00016.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00017.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00018.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00019.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00020.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00021.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00022.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00023.bmp
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文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00026.bmp
文件 1254 2004-05-02 18:55 MIT人脸库\face\face00027.bmp
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