Problem Solving with C++, Global Edition
by Walter Savitch (author) (Author)
出版社: Pearson Education Limited; 10th edition edition (November 20, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1292222824
ISBN-13: 9781292222820
For courses in C++ introductory programming.
Learn the fundamentals of C++ programming with an emphasis on problem solving
Now in its 10th Edition, Problem Solving with C++ is written for the beginning programmer. The text cultivates strong problem-solving skills and programming techniques as it introduces readers to the C++ programming language. Author Walt Savitch’s approach to programming emphasizes active reading through the use of well-placed examples and self-tests, while flexible coverage means the order of chapters and sections can easily be adapted without sacrificing continuity. Savitch’s clear, concise style is a hallmark feature of the text and is supported by a suite of tried-and-true pedagogical tools. The 10th Edition includes ten new Programming Projects, along with new discussions and revisions.

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