// **************************************************************************
// opccomn.cpp
// Description:
// Implements OPC common data.
// File supplied by OPC Foundataion.
// This programming example is provided “AS IS“. As such Kepware Inc.
// makes no claims to the worthiness of the code and does not warranty
// the code to be error free. It is provided freely and can be used in
// your own projects. If you do find this code useful place a little
// marketing plug for Kepware in your code. While we would love to help
// every one who is trying to write a great OPC client application the
// uniqueness of every project and the limited number of hours in a day
// simply prevents us from doing so. If you really find yourself in a
// b
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
.CA.... 72192 2015-03-20 18:28 OPCDEMO\Debug\OPCDEMO.exe
.CA.... 24718 2008-07-09 16:49 OPCDEMO\opccomn.h
.CA.... 2337 2014-09-04 10:40 OPCDEMO\opccomn_i.c
.CA.... 145924 2008-07-09 16:49 OPCDEMO\opcda.h
.CA.... 4348 2008-07-09 16:49 OPCDEMO\opcda_i.c
.CA.... 35624 2014-10-29 11:42 OPCDEMO\OPCDEMO.APS
.CA.... 1182 2014-10-30 09:50 OPCDEMO\OPCDEMO.clw
.CA.... 2077 2014-09-03 17:23 OPCDEMO\OPCDEMO.cpp
.CA.... 4503 2014-09-04 20:34 OPCDEMO\OPCDEMO.dsp
.CA.... 537 2014-09-04 10:25 OPCDEMO\OPCDEMO.dsw
.CA.... 1335 2014-09-03 17:23 OPCDEMO\OPCDEMO.h
.CA.... 107520 2014-10-30 09:51 OPCDEMO\OPCDEMO.ncb
.CA.... 49664 2014-10-30 09:51 OPCDEMO\OPCDEMO.opt
.CA.... 809 2014-10-30 09:47 OPCDEMO\OPCDEMO.plg
.CA.... 5342 2014-10-29 11:42 OPCDEMO\OPCDEMO.rc
.CA.... 959 2015-03-20 18:25 OPCDEMO\OPCDEMO.sln
.CA..H. 14848 2015-03-20 18:30 OPCDEMO\OPCDEMO.v12.suo
.CA.... 8053 2015-03-20 18:25 OPCDEMO\OPCDEMO.vcxproj
.CA.... 2416 2015-03-20 18:25 OPCDEMO\OPCDEMO.vcxproj.filters
.CA.... 14459 2015-03-20 18:28 OPCDEMO\OPCDEMODlg.cpp
.CA.... 2815 2014-10-29 11:42 OPCDEMO\OPCDEMODlg.h
.CA.... 8071 2008-07-09 16:49 OPCDEMO\opcerror.h
.CA.... 3597 2014-09-03 17:23 OPCDEMO\ReadMe.txt
.CA.... 1078 2014-09-03 17:23 OPCDEMO\res\OPCDEMO.ico
.CA.... 399 2014-09-03 17:23 OPCDEMO\res\OPCDEMO.rc2
.CA.... 823 2014-10-29 11:42 OPCDEMO\resource.h
.CA.... 209 2014-09-03 17:23 OPCDEMO\StdAfx.cpp
.CA.... 2317 2014-09-15 16:36 OPCDEMO\StdAfx.h
.CA.... 33950 2015-03-20 18:25 OPCDEMO\UpgradeLog.htm
.C.D... 0 2015-03-20 18:25 OPCDEMO\Backup
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