#include “mysift.h“
//#include “precomp.hpp“
//#include “opencv2/imgproc.hpp“
using namespace std;
namespace cv
namespace xfeatures2d
class mySIFT_Impl : public mySIFT
explicit mySIFT_Impl(int nfeatures = 0 int nOctavelayers = 3
double contrastThreshold = 0.04 double edgeThreshold = 10
double sigma = 1.6);
int descriptorSize() const; //! returns the descriptor size in floats (128)
int descriptorType() const; //! returns the descriptor type
int defaultNorm() const;//! returns the default norm type
//! finds the keypoints and computes descriptors for them using SIFT algorithm.
//! Optionally it can compute descriptors for the user-provided keypoints
void detectAndCompute(InputArray img InputArray mask
std::vector& keypoints
OutputArray descriptors
bool useProvidedKeypoints = fal
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 849 2020-05-22 15:49 mysift.h
文件 56348 2020-06-13 22:33 mysift.cpp
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57197 2
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