MINI版matlab,无须安装,解压即用。MINI版matlab.exe启动时不检查C盘序列号. 在启动时不加载java窗口框架,去掉了不常用的toolbox和用不到的dll. 所以这个版本是个最小依赖度的Matlab,没有simulink,也没有medit.但保留了plot和figure的zoom功能. 如果自己还有啥需要用的toolbox函数,就的自己往目录里加了。两个文件,共6M多,解压后大概20M多点。
%MATLABRC Master startup M-file.
% MATLABRC is automatically executed by MATLAB during startup.
% It establishes the MATLAB path sets the default figure size
% and sets a few uicontrol defaults.
% On multi-user or networked systems the system manager can put
% any messages definitions etc. that apply to all users here.
% MATLABRC also invokes a STARTUP command if the file ‘startup.m‘
% exists on the MATLAB path.
% Copyright 1984-2002 The MathWorks Inc.
% $Revision: 1.154 $ $Date: 2002/06/07 20:08:31 $
% Ripped By Machael@newsmth.net
% Set up path.
if exist(‘pathdef‘‘file‘)
% Display helpful hints.
% If the MATLAB Desktop is not running then use the old message since
% the Help menu will be unavailable.
cname = computer;
% if usejava(‘Desktop‘)
% disp(‘ ‘)
% disp(‘ To get started select “MATLAB Help“ from the Help menu.‘)
% disp(‘ ‘)
% else
% disp(‘ ‘)
% disp(‘ To get started type one of these: helpwin helpdesk or demo.‘)
% disp(‘ For product information visit www.mathworks.com.‘)
% disp(‘ ‘)
% end
% Set default warning level to WARNING BACKTRACE. See help warning.
warning backtrace
% The RecursionLimit forces MATLAB to throw an error when the specified
% function call depth is hit. This protects you from blowing your stack
% frame (which can cause MATLAB and/or your computer to crash). Set the
% value to inf if you don‘t want this protection.
cname = computer;
if strncmp(cname‘GLNX‘4)
elseif strncmp(cname‘ALPHA‘5)
% Set the default figure position in pixels.
% On small screens make figure smaller with same aspect ratio.
screen = get(0 ‘ScreenSize‘);
width = screen(3);
height = screen(4);
if any(screen(3:4) ~= 1) % don‘t change default if screensize == [1 1]
if all(cname(1:2) == ‘PC‘)
if height >= 500
mwwidth = 560; mwheight = 420;
if(get(0‘screenpixelsperinch‘) == 116) % large fonts
mwwidth = mwwidth * 1.2;
mwheight = mwheight * 1.2;
mwwidth = 560; mwheight = 375;
left = (width - mwwidth)/2;
bottom = height - mwheight -90;
if height > 768
mwwidth = 560; mwheight = 420;
left = (width-mwwidth)/2;
bottom = height-mwheight-90;
else % for screens that aren‘t so high
mwwidth = 512; mwheight = 384;
left = (width-mwwidth)/2;
bottom = height-mwheight-76;
rect = [ left bottom mwwidth mwheight ];
set(0 ‘defaultfigureposition‘rect);
colordef(0‘white‘) % Set up for white defaults
%% Uncomment the next group of lines to make uicontrols uimenus
%% and lines look better on monochrome displays.
%if get(0‘ScreenDepth‘)==1
% set(0‘DefaultUIControlBackgroundColor‘‘white‘);
% set(0‘DefaultAxesLinestyleOrder‘
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 41 2008-08-25 14:09 matlab迷你版\bin\matlab.bat
文件 35243 2003-08-28 15:27 matlab迷你版\bin\matlab.exe
文件 2998 2008-08-25 14:52 matlab迷你版\bin\MATLAB.ico
文件 30 2008-08-25 14:02 matlab迷你版\bin\suppress.ini
文件 1384448 2002-06-07 09:20 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\atlas_Athlon.dll
文件 1040384 2002-06-07 09:21 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\atlas_P4.dll
文件 1048576 2002-06-07 09:22 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\atlas_PII.dll
文件 1048576 2002-06-09 04:18 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\atlas_PIII.dll
文件 1024000 2002-06-07 09:23 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\atlas_PPro.dll
文件 732 2002-04-11 06:19 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\blas.spec
文件 344064 2002-06-22 13:43 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\cg_ir.dll
文件 110592 2002-06-18 03:37 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\comcli.dll
文件 73728 2002-06-18 03:37 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\dastudio.dll
文件 419328 2002-01-14 23:06 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\dforrt.dll
文件 32768 2002-06-18 03:37 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\glee.dll
文件 94208 2002-06-18 22:50 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\glren.dll
文件 425984 2002-06-18 03:37 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\gui.dll
文件 114688 2002-06-18 03:37 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\hardcopy.dll
文件 872448 2002-06-18 03:37 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\hg.dll
文件 155648 2002-06-19 07:58 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\jmi.dll
文件 1662976 2002-06-09 04:18 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\lapack.dll
文件 135168 2002-06-21 04:05 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\libfixedpoint.dll
文件 36864 2002-06-18 03:37 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\libmat.dll
文件 28672 2002-06-18 03:37 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\libmex.dll
文件 159744 2002-06-18 03:37 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\libmwbuiltins.dll
文件 376832 2002-06-09 04:18 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\libmwfftw.dll
文件 57344 2002-06-09 04:18 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\libmwlapack.dll
文件 61440 2002-06-18 03:37 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\libmwservices.dll
文件 176128 2002-06-09 04:18 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\libmwumfpack.dll
文件 163840 2002-06-18 03:37 matlab迷你版\bin\win32\libmx.dll
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