
function [ V D ] = joint_diag(Ajthresh)
% Joint approximate diagonalization
% 联合近似对角化
% Joint approximate of n (complex) matrices of size m*m stored in the
% m*mn matrix A by minimization of a joint diagonality criterion
% 对储存在A中的n个mxm矩阵做联合对角化
% Usage: [ V D ] = joint_diag(Ajthresh)
% Input :
% * the m*nm matrix A is the concatenation of n matrices with size m
% by m. We denote A = [ A1 A2 .... An ]
% * threshold is an optional small number (typically = 1.0e-8 see the M-file).
% Output :
% * V is an m*m unitary matrix.
% * D = V‘*A1*V ... V‘*An*V has the same size as A and is a
% collection of diagonal matrices if A1 ... An are exactly jointly
% unitarily diagonalizable.
% The algorithm finds a unitary matrix V such that the matrices
% V‘*A1*V ... V‘*An*V are as diagonal as possible providing a
% kind of ‘average eigen-structure‘ shared by the matrices A1 ...An.
% If the matrices A1...An do have an exact common eigen-structure ie
% a common orthonormal set eigenvectors then the algorithm finds it.
% The eigenvectors THEN are the column vectors of V and D1 ...Dn are
% diagonal matrices.
% 联合对角化的作用。
% The algorithm implements a properly extended Jacobi algorithm. The
% algorithm stops when all the Givens rotations in a sweep have sines
% smaller than ‘threshold‘.
% 算法在所有旋转角度都小于给定阈值时停止
% In many applications the notion of approximate joint
% diagonalization is ad hoc and very small values of threshold do not
% make sense because the diagonality criterion itself is ad hoc.
% Hence it is often not necessary in applications to push the
% accuracy of the rotation matrix V to the machine precision.
% 阈值的设置不用太经心。
% PS: If a numrical analyst knows ‘the right way‘ to determine jthresh
% in terms of 1) machine precision and 2) size of the problem
% I will be glad to hear about it.
% This version of the code is for complex matrices but it also works
% with real matrices. However simpler implementations are possible
% in the real case.
% 这个代码适合复矩阵,当然也适合实矩阵;但实矩阵有更简洁的程序实现。
% See more info references and version history at the bottom of this
% m-file
% Version 1.2
% Copyright : Jean-Francois Cardoso.
% Author : Jean-Francois Cardoso. cardoso@sig.enst.fr
% Comments bug reports etc are welcome.
[mnm] = size(A);
B = [ 1 0 0 ; 0 1 1 ; 0 -1i 1i ] ;
Bt = B‘ ;
V = eye(m);
encore = 1;
while encore
for p=1:m-1
Ip = p:m:nm;
for q=p+1:m
Iq = q:m:nm;
% Computing the Givens angles 计算旋转角度
g = [A(pIp)-A(qIq); A(pIq); A(qIp)];
[vcpD] = eig(real(B*(g*g‘)*Bt));
[~ K] = sort(diag(D));
angles = vcp(:K(3));
if angles(1)<0
angles= -angles;
c = sqrt(0.5+angles(1)/2);
s = 0.5*(angles(2)-1j*
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 4903 2013-06-06 11:03 joint_diag.m
文件 165 2013-06-06 14:49 joint_diag_Note.txt
文件 3813 2013-06-06 11:05 joint_diag_r.m
文件 1021 2013-06-06 11:00 test_joint_diag.m
文件 970 2013-06-06 11:08 test_joint_diag_r.m
- 上一篇:一种改进的K-means算法
- 下一篇:基于matlab的图像阈值分割算法
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